Pierre Aumond
Pierre Aumond
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related to #307
./bin/wps_scripts -w ./ -s noisemodelling/wps/NoiseModelling/Noise_level_from_source.groovy -tableBuilding BUILDINGS -tableSources LW_ROADS -tableReceivers RECEIVERS -tableGroundAbs GROUND_TYPE -confMaxSrcDist 2000 It seems that you don't activate horizontal or vertical diffraction... In this case, buildings have...
related to #628
You probably put a veryyyyy short propagation distance? Did you change some default parameters ?
This coefficient is influent only if there are some reflections on the wall. Is this the case ? > Furthermore, I was wondering if we can put acoustic covers on...
Yes, I am afraid nobody answers fastly because it is not only "NoiseModelling question"... :) Maybe, you can read the CNOSSOS-EU document to better understand how the propagation is modeled...
I seems that is worked ! "INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started @10995ms" Did you try the tutorial ? you are now at step 3 : https://noisemodelling.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Get_Started_GUI.html