Pierre Aumond
Pierre Aumond
related to #238
The user get an error on the srid even if table not exists. We should first check if table not exist, and then check if it has srid.
We should also check if Building table as an height field and send error if not.
In the CNOSSOS-EU model, you sometimes have some discontinuity in the equation as the next one for example. It depends from a ratio between zs, zs and the distance between...
But it means that we could affect several times the same value ? Also, worst will be the GPS accuracy, more weight will have the value ?
This is an attempt : Ali, Y. H., Rashid, R. A., & Hamid, S. Z. A. (2022). A machine learning for environmental noise classification in smart cities. Indonesian Journal of...
Yes ! Who opens a shared document?
Yes, this is a critic point. The best practice and the one shared by lot of software, is it to cut your road segment near the intersection in 10 m...
Yes, you can do it. The first job is to add your new category in this file : https://github.com/Universite-Gustave-Eiffel/NoiseModelling/blob/master/noisemodelling-emission/src/main/resources/org/noise_planet/noisemodelling/emission/road/cnossos/RoadCnossos_2020.json "4a": { "description": "powered_two_wheelers_inf_50cc", You can do a fifth category... Then,...
You should use the last version of NM -> 4.0.5