Pierre Jacquier
Pierre Jacquier
Sadly no @coodoo, I don't really have time at the moment :'(
Honestly I don't know. I don't need this lib anymore (for now) so it's clearly not a priority for me :(
Mmh thank you @corand for this report, I didn't check them carefully. I will look into this as soon as I can.
Well, I think these values come from the FIT SDK and I didn't check. Are the altitudes wrong? Haven't touched this code for a long, long time, sorry for the...
Thanks for the PR @jpg0 As @jimmykane said, https://github.com/jimmykane/fit-parser might be a better place for new features until we sit down and republish from https://github.com/backfit
@KIC-Crack Faced the same error last week when I loaded a model that didn't have `attributes.uv`, which the underlying library is [explicitly looking for](https://github.com/gkjohnson/three-bvh-csg/blob/b2956a88783be89b8033080df4814db667a8bcfd/src/core/Evaluator.js#L129-L147). A workaround for me was to...