WordPress-API-Demo icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
WordPress-API-Demo copied to clipboard

A Swift iOS application that demonstrates using WordPress API


This project was originaly written in Swift 1, for WordPress API version 1. It is now outdated. I'm rewritting it from scratch in Swift 3 for WordPress REST API version 2.

The new project: https://github.com/pierrem/WP

A iOS application written in Swift, that demonstrates the communication with WordPress. The code has been kept simple and minimalist. In particular, error conditions are not reported to the user! WordPress site URL is hardcoded. You can change it in WordPress Web Services.swift.

The Wordpress API is available for any WordPress.com site as well as any self-hosted (WordPress.org) site connected via Jetpack : https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/api/getting-started/

May 2017 : This project is now outdated (originaly written in Swift 1). I have just fixed compilation error with XCode 8 / swift 3. I intend to rewrite it from scratch using Swift 3.

16 may 2016 : Fixed a problem with SplitView on iPhone.

28 jan 2016 : Droped categories, code simplification and bug fixes.

27 jan 2016 : NSAllowsArbitraryLoads to allow loading images in webView.

6 oct 2015 : XCode 7 & Swift 2. The code hasn't yet be reworked to use new Swift construction (guard for exemple) that will allow cleaner code.

9 May 2015 : + featured image in the post list table.

WordPress REST API documentation: https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/api

© Pierre Marty 2015 http://www.alpeslog.com