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Unbiased Markov chain Monte Carlo with couplings


This package contains scripts to reproduce the results of the arXiv report “Unbiased Markov chain Monte Carlo with couplings”, by Pierre E. Jacob, John O’Leary and Yves F Atchade, available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.03625.

This is not a general-purpose statistical software, but a collection of scripts intended to reproduce figures and tables. Use at your own risk!! We hope these scripts will be useful for people interested to learn how the method works.

The folder inst/reproduce/ contains the scripts to reproduce the figures. Each sub-folder has a “run all” script to run all the scripts in the correct order. The folder inst/check/ contains internal checks, and vignettes/ contains tutorials on how to use the package’s main functions.


The package can be installed from R via:

# install.packages("devtools")

It depends on the packages Rcpp, RcppEigen, lubridate, which can be installed via:

install.packages(c("Rcpp", "RcppEigen", "lubridate"))

Additionally you might want to install other packages, to help with parallel computation:

install.packages(c("doParallel", "doRNG"))

and to help with manipulating results and plotting:

install.packages(c("dplyr", "tidyr", "ggplot2", "viridis"))

although these packages are not strictly required (see below for an example that does not require these packages).

The Polya-Gamma sampler is taken from the package BayesLogit of Nick Polson, James Scott, and Jesse Windle (https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/BayesLogit/). That package can be downloaded and installed with “R CMD INSTALL”. Or in R via

packageurl <- "https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/BayesLogit/BayesLogit_0.6.tar.gz"

install.packages(packageurl, repos=NULL, type="source")

Note that the above requires gfortran to compile. For instance on Mac OS X gfortran can be found on https://github.com/fxcoudert/gfortran-for-macOS/releases. In any case, the package does not require BayesLogit to be installed; only the scripts dealing with the Polya-Gamma sampler do.


The following code

  • defines a target distribution as a mixture of univariate Normal distributions, via its probability density function, returning log-values,

  • defines an initial distribution “rinit”, a Markov kernel “single_kernel”, and a coupled Markov kernel “coupled_kernel”, defined through their sampling mechanisms,

  • draws meeting times and shows a histogram of them,

  • draws more coupled chains, with a certain “lag” and time horizon “m”, and use them to produce an approximation of the target distribution.

# target distribution
target <- function(x) {
    evals <- log(0.5) + dnorm(x, mean = c(-4, 4), sd = 1, log = TRUE)
    return(max(evals) + log(sum(exp(evals - max(evals)))))
# get MH kernels with proposal variance equal to 4
kernels <- get_mh_kernels(target, 4)
# Markov kernel of the chain
single_kernel <- kernels$single_kernel
# Markov kernel of the coupled chain
coupled_kernel <- kernels$coupled_kernel
# initial distribution, towards the right-most mode of the target
rinit <- function() {
    chain_state <- rnorm(1, mean = 3, sd = 2)
    current_pdf <- target(chain_state)
    return(list(chain_state = chain_state, current_pdf = current_pdf))

# draw meeting times
nrep <- 500
meetingtimes <- rep(0, nrep)
for (irep in 1:nrep) {
    meetingtimes[irep] <- sample_meetingtime(single_kernel, coupled_kernel, rinit)$meetingtime
# plot histogram of meeting times
hist(meetingtimes, xlab = "meeting time", main = "")

# now run coupled chain, with lag of 500, time horizon m = 2000
coupledchains <- list()
for (irep in 1:nrep) {
    coupledchains[[irep]] <- sample_coupled_chains(single_kernel, coupled_kernel,
        rinit, m = 2000, lag = 500)

# approximate target via histogram, with k = 500, m = 2000
hist1 <- histogram_c_chains(coupledchains, 1, k = 500, m = 2000, nclass = 100)
# plot approximation in black segments
plot(x = hist1$mids, y = hist1$proportions/hist1$width, type = "l", xlab = "x", ylab = "density")
segments(x0 = hist1$mids, x1 = hist1$mids, y0 = rep(0, length(hist1$proportions)),
    y1 = hist1$proportions/hist1$width)
curve(sapply(x, function(v) exp(target(v))), add = TRUE, col = "orange", lty = 1,
    lwd = 2)

# average cost per estimator, in units of 'calls to Markov kernels'
mean(sapply(coupledchains, function(x) x$cost))
## [1] 2072.788

We can see that in average, the cost of each estimator is not much more than if we had just run the MCMC algorithm for “m” steps.

From the coupled chains, we can obtain unbiased estimators of expectations with respect to the target distribution. For instance, with the function “identity”, we can estimate unbiasedly the mean of the target. The following code plots these estimators obtained for each chain, and construct a 95% confidence interval, based on a central limit theorem as the number of independent estimators goes to infinity.

estimators <- sapply(coupledchains, function(c) H_bar(c, h = function(x) x, k = 500,
    m = 2000))
hist(estimators, xlab = "unbiased estimators of the mean", main = "")

cat("95% confidence interval for the mean:", mean(estimators), "+/-", 1.96 * sd(estimators)/sqrt(length(estimators)),
## 95% confidence interval for the mean: 0.005471002 +/- 0.1458675

Compared to usual MCMC estimators justified as the number of iterations goes to infinity, the proposed estimators are unbiased, and thus their averages are consistent when the number of independent replicates goes to infinity.