react-step-progress-bar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-step-progress-bar copied to clipboard

A library to create stunning progress bars with steps in React 🌡

Results 13 react-step-progress-bar issues
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Warning: Legacy context API has been detected within a strict-mode tree. The old API will be supported in all 16.x releases, but applications using it should migrate to the new...

NOTE: This is not a bot. This change was made by and comments will be reviewed by humans. We are using this service account to be able to track the...

It said to install the package called: `@pierreericgarcia/react-step-progress-bar` But it does not exist, and npm gives an error. Anyway, this is a shorter name

I can currently use RSPBprogressBar to provide additional styles, but that isn't terribly clean. I'd like to be able to supply my own class to the container div.

First of all, thank you for this amazing library, now that i'm using it in a Typescript project, i was looking for its types i tried `npm install @types/react-step-progress-bar` but...

I believe `react` and `react-dom` should be listed as peer dependencies instead of dev dependencies in `react-step-progress-bar`'s `package.json` file: ```json { "name": "react-step-progress-bar", ... "peerDependencies": { "react": ">=15.0.0", "react-dom": "^16.4.2",...

**Describe the bug** Steps are layed out evenly, regardless of `position` prop value (position = width / number of steps). **To Reproduce** render steps by mapping over an array, ex...

**Describe the bug** HERE is the error i'm catching in the console: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'orientation' of undefined Basically I have a component that has a dynamic amount...