Pierre Morel
Pierre Morel
Hi, There is no graphical output in your example link, but I know how gplotmatrix looks like. It's not the kind of thing gramm is designed to handle in the...
It's indeed something that could be nice, but the devil is in the details there. Currently, "significance stars" are available as indication of the whether the intercept and slope are...
geom_label is indeed used to associate each data point with a label. I'll look into how specific star+lines labels could be added in a nice generic way in gramm. Sigstar...
The last update I pushed, along with the upcoming geom_polygon() update are paving the way for allowing just that (i.e. choosing whether your geom_Xline() are below or above the other...
Well if you call geom_point() after a stat_xx(), point of one color will already be above their own stat_ representation. The problem only arises if you have overlapping stat_ in...
Hi Denis, Thank you, it seems great to me. I don't mind the verbosity, which is needed for people who are not familiar to OO Matlab. I just hope the...
Hi @Gery111, You are using a pretty vicious dataset ! The bug seems related to the functionality that "dodges" graphical elements so that they are not superimposed. Your code specifically...
Hi, Yes I did chose 15 as a cutoff value for switching between color as categories and colors as continuous values, the thinking being that it's around that number of...
Thank you for the suggestion, this is not something that is possible currently.
Hi, I'm currently using xlabel() and ylabel() to generate the x/y labels and as far as I know these don't allow for an easy way to change position. If they...