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<<Request>> long-press operation
I want to activate different key codes by long-press and short-press
It is an operation that is not found in a normal PC keyboard, but it is a popular operation in embedded systems. It can be used for careful operations and infrequent operations.
Thank you for the wonderful environment for me!
Although, it sends long-press keycode on UP after a long-press (not at the set time),
kbd.define_mode_key :SHORT_A_LONG_1, [ { kbd.send_key(:KC_A) }, { kbd.send_key(:KC_1) }, 500, nil ]
is not enough?
Wow It's almost working!!
In my behavior, the keycode is entered with Long-press set time (500). (Not key UP) And, If the Long press time is set to 2000, key omissions will occur in continuous operations. (short -> long -> short -> long ......) I think the cause is that the timer has not been reset.
Thanks > yswallow
was basically designed to combine a normal key and modifier/layer hold key.
Maybe I should implement a new feature to fulfill @koyoko1127's request.
Let me think how to realize that because I'm personally excited that PRK Firmware will possibly be used in prototyping a real product 💪
Now I'm thinking of a feature as "Triple function key" like this:
Behavior model example
press^ ^release (< 300ms)
| |
press^ | ^release (between 300ms and 2000ms)
| :KC_2(just once)
| |
| | Nothing happens (resets timer internally)
| | |
press^ | | ^release (2000ms <)
| |
| | |
0ms 300ms 2000ms
Namely, three different behaviors are articulated by two threshold values.
In keymap.rb
kbd.add_layer :default, %i(BUTTON KC_ENTER KC_SPACE KC_BSPACE) # meishi keypad for example
kbd.define_triple_function_key :BUTTON, :KC_0, 300, :KC_1, 2000, :KC_2
If you don't want the "second release key" to happen:
kbd.define_triple_function_key :BUTTON, :KC_0, 300, :KC_NO, 2000, :KC_2
If you don't want the "long press key" to happen:
kbd.define_triple_function_key :BUTTON, :KC_0, 300, :KC_1, 2000, :KC_NO
Each keycode can be an Array of Symbol or a Proc for example:
kbd.define_triple_function_key :BUTTON, :KC_0, 300, [:KC_LSFT, :KC_A], 2000, { kbd.macro "Long!" }
@koyoko1127 Tell me what do you think
Thank you for your aggressive suggestions. If you are aiming for a multifunctional long press operation, you need to think about the context of use. I have 4 stories(See figure below) I think this includes Hi-dynamic range operations with repeat motion. Set the repeat interval time or set nil.
[a] [A] KC_NO 0
This is not a case this feature should cover because...
kbd.define_triple_function_key :BUTTON_A, :KC_A, 300, [:KC_LSFT, :KC_A], nil, nil
kbd.define_triple_function_key :BUTTON_B, :KC_B, 300, [:KC_LSFT, :KC_B], nil, nil
kbd.define_triple_function_key :BUTTON_C, :KC_C, 300, [:KC_LSFT, :KC_C], nil, nil
kbd.define_triple_function_key :BUTTON_D, :KC_D, 300, [:KC_LSFT, :KC_D], nil, nil
kbd.define_triple_function_key :BUTTON_E, :KC_E, 300, [:KC_LSFT, :KC_E], nil, nil
kbd.define_triple_function_key :BUTTON_F, :KC_F, 300, [:KC_LSFT, :KC_F], nil, nil
kbd.define_triple_function_key :BUTTON_G, :KC_G, 300, [:KC_LSFT, :KC_G], nil, nil
Nobody wants to write such a verbose code, right? (Of course you can do it. But it's not meant to be done)
BTW, could you tell me more about "Hi-dynamic range operations"? I don't know it.
Ah, but, you may be able to write like this, lol
("A".."Z").each do |c|
kbd.define_triple_function_key "BUTTON_#{c}".to_sym, "KC_#{c}".to_sym, 300, [:KC_LSFT, "KC_#{c}".to_sym], nil, nil
Evil Ruby...
I don't know what " Hi-dynamic range operations " is officially called.
For example, when searching for an arbitrary value from 0 to 1000. If you have a wide range of values and want to set them in detail, you need both micro motion and coarse motion.
micro motion (微動) ==> 0,1,2,3,4,....1000 coarse motion(粗動) ==> 0.20,40,60,80,.....1000 *It is better to have a repeat in the long-press
From now on, we need to control high resolution and large (long) size data in photo, CAD, and video. Using multiple inputs with one key, I prototype an embedded product.
@koyoko1127 Understood, thanks! Let me think for a while