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alis-packages.conf executing Pacman -Syi instead of installing packages

Open jaysonwcs opened this issue 2 years ago • 12 comments

Tried installing packages today with the script, and it's only displaying the packages information: image

Here is my alis-packages.conf:

# Arch Linux Install Script (alis) configuration file
# Some variables values are preceded by a ! character, this means that the value is ignored.
# Some variables accept a single value others accept multiple values as annotated in the comments.
# Some variables are boolean with a value of true or false.
# Read the Arch Linux wiki pages to learn more about the variables values.

# init
## LOG_TRACE outputs the comands executed.
## LOG_FILE generates a log file with the commands executed and output generated during installation.
### The log file is saved to /var/log/alis-packages.log.

# pacman
## Arch Linux packages to install
## more at
## PACKAGES_PACMAN_CUSTOM_REPOSITORIES custom repositories to add to pacman configuration, see
### Comment lines starting with # charater are removed
PACKAGES_PACMAN_INTERNET="!firefox !chromium !curl wget !filezilla sshfs !openssh !transmission-gtk !transmission-qt !liferea !gnome-boxes !gnome-tweaks"
PACKAGES_PACMAN_MULTIMEDIA="!gthumb !gimp !imagemagick !krita !inkscape !blender !cmus !vlc !easytag !ardour !audacity !ffmpeg !gnome-phone-manager !kdeconnect !gstreamer !gst-plugins-good !gst-plugins-bad !gst-plugins-ugly !bluez !bluez-utils"
PACKAGES_PACMAN_UTILITIES="!bash-completion !chezmoi gnome-initial-setup gnome-extra !code !lz4 !meld dosfstools ntfs-3g !exfat-utils man-db man-pages"
PACKAGES_PACMAN_DOCUMENTS_AND_TEXT="!libreoffice-fresh !calligra !discount !lyx !vim !calibre"
PACKAGES_PACMAN_COMMUNICATION="!geary !thunderbird !empathy !kopete !polari !konversation"
PACKAGES_PACMAN_SECURITY="!ufw rsync !gnupg !keepassxc !encfs"
PACKAGES_PACMAN_SCIENCE="!geogebra !octave"
PACKAGES_PACMAN_DEVELOPER="git !python !dotnet-sdk !php !rust !go !virtualbox !docker !ansible !vagrant !packer !terraform !vault !consul !nomad"
PACKAGES_PACMAN_CUSTOM="gdu htop arch-install-scripts asciiquarium cowsay flatpak glances glow grub-btrfs kitty lolcat mlocate nemo sl snapper tldr tree"
PACKAGES_PACMAN_PIPEWIRE="pipewire pipewire-pulse pipewire-alsa wireplumber !pipewire-jack !helvum xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-gnome !xdg-desktop-portal-kde !xdg-desktop-portal-wlr"
#SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
#Server = file:///home/custompkgs

## Flatpak packages to install
## more at
PACKAGES_FLATPAK_MULTIMEDIA="!com.spotify.Client !org.ardour.Ardour !org.audacityteam.Audacity !tv.kodi.Kodi !org.pitivi.Pitivi"
PACKAGES_FLATPAK_UTILITIES="!org.freefilesync.FreeFileSync !org.gnome.World.PikaBackup !com.dropbox.Client"
PACKAGES_FLATPAK_DOCUMENTS_AND_TEXT="!org.onlyoffice.desktopeditors !com.wps.Office"
PACKAGES_FLATPAK_COMMUNICATION="!com.slack.Slack ! !org.jitsi.jitsi-meet !us.zoom.Zoom !org.telegram.desktop"
PACKAGES_FLATPAK_GAMES="!com.valvesoftware.Steam !org.wesnoth.Wesnoth !com.albiononline.AlbionOnline !org.hedgewars.Hedgewars !com.mojang.Minecraft !net.supertuxkart.SuperTuxKart !org.openttd.OpenTTD"
PACKAGES_FLATPAK_DEVELOPER="!com.jetbrains.IntelliJ-IDEA-Community !org.eclipse.Java !com.getpostman.Postman"

## SDKMAN packages to install
## more at and
PACKAGES_SDKMAN_JDKS="!java !java:17.0.1-tem !java:11.0.13-tem !java:8.0.312-tem" # format <candidate>:[version]:[local-path]
PACKAGES_SDKMAN_SDKS="!gradle !maven !kotlin !groovy" # format <candidate>:[version]:[local-path]

## AUR utility and AUR packages to install
## more at
PACKAGES_AUR_COMMAND="paru-bin !yay-bin !paru !yay !aurman"
PACKAGES_AUR_OTHERS="fortune-mod neo-matrix"


# systemd
## SYSTEMD_UNITS systemd units to enable or disable.
### If preceded with a "+" unit is enabled, if preceded with "-" unit is disabled, if preceded with "!" unit is ignored (no action is performed).
### eg. "+ufw.service" to enable, "-ufw.service" to disable, "!ufw.service" to ignore
SYSTEMD_UNITS="!ufw.service !bluetooth.service !docker.service"

jaysonwcs avatar Sep 23 '22 19:09 jaysonwcs

That is the checks function/step output, the checks function checks the packages to install are valid and exists, the packages are installed later on packages function.

After the scripts ends, are the packages installed? is the packages function/step executed?

picodotdev avatar Sep 23 '22 20:09 picodotdev

The script ends. I'm believe the packages were not installed, because it was executed in an instant. I'll check again just to be sure.

jaysonwcs avatar Sep 24 '22 02:09 jaysonwcs

Tested again: the packages were not installed. =(

jaysonwcs avatar Sep 26 '22 17:09 jaysonwcs

Also: the packages step were not executed. Noticed this now.

jaysonwcs avatar Sep 26 '22 17:09 jaysonwcs

Any error message in logs when scripts ends? or after checks step? are you executing or

In your screenshoot log sems you are executing, but I see your user jayson and in other traces picodotdev.

can you provide the full log?

picodotdev avatar Sep 26 '22 17:09 picodotdev

May I send the asciinema file? I don't know where the log is saved.


jaysonwcs avatar Sep 26 '22 19:09 jaysonwcs

I re executed the packages installation and got an error on gnome-extra package. It was saying the package does not exists, but if I try to install it manually, it is found by pacman, but it is not an actual package. The log I sent 2 minutes ago gave an error on a different package.

EDIT: What I was trying to say is that gnome-extra is not a actual package, but pacman itself is able to install it (it is a meta-package?).

jaysonwcs avatar Sep 26 '22 19:09 jaysonwcs

checking the asciinema.log the problem seems to be in this line.

Its is trying to install pipewire but for that is need to remove pulseaudio pulseaudio-bluetooth packages before, the script checks if they exist (are installed) with -Qi but on deleting with -Rdd fails saying they not exist (are not installed), should not happen.

picodotdev avatar Sep 26 '22 19:09 picodotdev

Well, I have more information that may help.

In the previous tries, I first executed the script, rebooted, downloaded the scripts again (inside my user folder), and then tried to install the packages with

I was able to install most packages. I skipped pipewire-pulse and gnome-extra. I got an error about my user name (I don't really remember what happened, I did this too many times today, lol). I then found out it was trying to do some stuff with your user (picodotdev). I changed the USER_NAME variable in alis-commons.conf to my username and it worked!

It didn't install any flatpak packages though, saying that I did not had permission. Tried re executing the script after that with sudo, but got other errors: first, the script tried to execute arch-chroot, but it wasn't installed (I was logged on the real Arch installation, not on the Arch ISO). Installed arch-install-scripts after that and tried again, but then got an error about chrooting to mnt.

I now started the process again, but tried to install all the packages during installation. It worked almost 100%. Didn't install gnome-extra and any flatpak package, but was able to finish without interruption.

alis.log alis.asciinema.txt alis.conf.txt alis-packages.conf.txt

If you need more information, I'm willing to do that process again. It's a VM, so it's not so difficult to start from scratch.

jaysonwcs avatar Sep 26 '22 20:09 jaysonwcs

Givin a look to the alis.log has the following message at package installation.

error: package 'gnome-extra' was not found

So, no packages and flatpak installation is expected. Not sure why failed for you gnome-extra, maybe mirror error?, I tried in my machine sudo pacman -S gnome-extra without pacman issue. Maybe you can try without gnome-extra to see if happens the same with other package or not.

picodotdev avatar Oct 03 '22 20:10 picodotdev

Will try

jaysonwcs avatar Oct 04 '22 12:10 jaysonwcs

That is the checks function/step output, the checks function checks the packages to install are valid and exists, the packages are installed later on packages function.

After the scripts ends, are the packages installed? is the packages function/step executed?

I'm having the same issue. I've been trying this off and on since yesterday. Nothing from lines 24 and 35 are being installed. (firefox and my additional PACKAGES_PACMAN_CUSTOM=. Not even git from line 33. I've also never seen a log file for alis appear in /var/log.

I've adjusted the script to install KDE, and I've minimized what's installed (removed some of the broader packages). That works with no issues.

I've also tried running the alis-packages.conf stand alone, I see the output from pacman -Syi, but still nothing is installed.

EDIT Disregard, I found the log file and discovered I had an AUR package mixed in with PACMAN. Once I removed it, the scripts worked flawlessly.

JSouthGB avatar Dec 21 '23 16:12 JSouthGB