Shai Shamir
Shai Shamir
It is happening all the time, very easy to reproduce. I'm running agains the latest develop: SHA 3096c440e12da642bcf95f585a53ab316e190241.
I've tested it again now with the latest updates
I've tried eliminating lines of codes without luck. Always getting to the deadlock. I assume that if it is happening on the sample app and in my app all those...
I don't recall a version it didn't freeze for iOS 12 in the scenario.
I seems like I experience the same issue, I see on the debugger that there is a deadlock. file: LocationNode.swift function: updatePositionAndScale: line 162: SCNTransaction.commit()
This is a great idea @scelis , I like this approach. This is even a challenge when sending strings for translation since most services don't support the plural format.
This is a great idea, I'm sure most of those who implemented SkyFloatingLabelTextField are already running few validations on their code. I think that the regex approached is also a...
I don't see such problem on my App in RTL languages.  Do you have a sample code that reproduce this problem?
I don't think it will make a different. Can you provide a sample code?
I think that ignorer to support this request and keep the RTL support intact iconSide should have the following states: - .Left & .Right - Will be flipped when switching...