flutter_inappwebview icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flutter_inappwebview copied to clipboard

openWithSystemBrowser problem on Android when url is supported by an other app

Open fif1973 opened this issue 8 months ago • 1 comments

  • [x] I have read the Getting Started section
  • [x] I have already searched for the same problem


Technology Version
Flutter version Channel stable, 3.10.2, on Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS 6.5.0-10-generic, locale fr_FR.UTF-8)
Plugin version 6.0.0-beta.24+1 / 6.0.0-beta.27
Android version Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 33.0.0)

Device information: Pixel 6 (Android 14) / oneplus8 - model IN2015 (Android 13) / Realme - RMX3363 (Android 13)


On my app, the webview opens a website that contains several social network links (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, X / Twitter).

I use shouldOverrideUrlLoading to determine if the target link must be open in app or with the default system browser.

When i touch all links on a fresh device (no other playstore apps install, except youtube), all links are opened with Chrome browser (default browser on my Pixel6) except Youtube link is opened in Youtube App. That sound good for the moment.

LinkedIn app I install with playStore LinkedIn app, open it and sign in. I launch my app and when i touch the LinkedIn link, the LinkedIn website is open in my app (not LinkedIn App). ❌

Facebook app I install with playStore Facebook app, open it and sign in. I launch my app and when i touch the Facebook link, the Facebook website is open in default browser that open Facebook app. ✅

Instagram app I install with playStore Instagram app, open it and sign in. I launch my app and when i touch the Instagram link, the Instagram app is open directly . ✅

X/Twitter I install with playStore X app, open it and sign in. I launch my app and when i touch the X link, the X app begin to be opened and return in my app . ❌

I don't understand why i have different behaviour and the more problematic is the LinkedIn case.

PS: Sorry for my poor english

Expected behavior:

All links opened with openWithSystemBrowser will be opened externally of my app.

Current behavior:

See description

Steps to reproduce

See description


  Future<NavigationActionPolicy?> shouldOverrideUrlLoading(
      controller, navigationAction) async {
        "[WEBVIEW::shouldOverrideUrlLoading] navigationAction:$navigationAction");
    String? url = navigationAction.request.url?.origin;
    if (Config().targetPlatform == TargetPlatform.iOS) {
      url = navigationAction.request.iosMainDocumentURL?.origin.toString();
    Console.log("check url : $url");
    if (url != null) {
      bool allow = false;
      for (var element in Config().referentielUrl) {
        if (element == url) {
          allow = true;
      if (!allow) {
        // domain not allow inApp, open in default sytem browser
        Console.log("Open in default browser: ${navigationAction.request.url}");
        InAppBrowser.openWithSystemBrowser(url: navigationAction.request.url!);
      return allow
          ? NavigationActionPolicy.ALLOW
          : NavigationActionPolicy.CANCEL;
    return NavigationActionPolicy.ALLOW;


example with LinkedIn adb logcat | grep flutter

11-14 14:45:01.119 29288 29355 I flutter : [WEBVIEW::shouldOverrideUrlLoading] navigationAction:NavigationAction{hasGesture: true, isForMainFrame: true, isRedirect
11-14 14:45:01.119 29288 29355 I flutter : : false, navigationType: null, request: URLRequest{allowsCellularAccess: null, allowsConstrainedNetworkAccess: null, all
11-14 14:45:01.119 29288 29355 I flutter : owsExpensiveNetworkAccess: null, assumesHTTP3Capable: null, attribution: null, body: null, cachePolicy: null, headers: n
11-14 14:45:01.119 29288 29355 I flutter : ull, httpShouldHandleCookies: null, httpShouldUsePipelining: null, mainDocumentURL: null, method: GET, networkServiceTyp
11-14 14:45:01.119 29288 29355 I flutter : e: null, timeoutInterval: null, url: https://fr.linkedin.com/company/supermarch%C3%A9-match}, shouldPerformDownload: nul
11-14 14:45:01.119 29288 29355 I flutter : l, sourceFrame: null, targetFrame: null}
11-14 14:45:01.120 29288 29355 I flutter : check url : https://fr.linkedin.com
11-14 14:45:01.120 29288 29355 I flutter : Open in default browser: https://fr.linkedin.com/company/supermarch%C3%A9-match
11-14 14:45:01.168 29288 29355 I flutter : [OnesiteApp:didChangeAppLifecycleState] APP STATE AppLifecycleState.inactive
11-14 14:45:02.037 29288 29355 I flutter : [OnesiteApp:didChangeAppLifecycleState] APP STATE AppLifecycleState.paused

adb logcat

11-14 14:59:16.015 31541 31608 I flutter : [WEBVIEW::shouldOverrideUrlLoading] navigationAction:NavigationAction{hasGesture: true, isForMainFrame: true, isRedirect
11-14 14:59:16.015 31541 31608 I flutter : : false, navigationType: null, request: URLRequest{allowsCellularAccess: null, allowsConstrainedNetworkAccess: null, all
11-14 14:59:16.015 31541 31608 I flutter : owsExpensiveNetworkAccess: null, assumesHTTP3Capable: null, attribution: null, body: null, cachePolicy: null, headers: n
11-14 14:59:16.015 31541 31608 I flutter : ull, httpShouldHandleCookies: null, httpShouldUsePipelining: null, mainDocumentURL: null, method: GET, networkServiceTyp
11-14 14:59:16.015 31541 31608 I flutter : e: null, timeoutInterval: null, url: https://fr.linkedin.com/company/supermarch%C3%A9-match}, shouldPerformDownload: nul
11-14 14:59:16.015 31541 31608 I flutter : l, sourceFrame: null, targetFrame: null}
11-14 14:59:16.016 31541 31608 I flutter : check url : https://fr.linkedin.com
11-14 14:59:16.016 31541 31608 I flutter : Open in default browser: https://fr.linkedin.com/company/supermarch%C3%A9-match
11-14 14:59:16.035  1745  2454 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{7c71bd8 com.pictime.smatch.drive/10348} -> PackageSetting{a13357a com.linkedin.android/10237} BLOCKED
11-14 14:59:16.040  1745  2454 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 197654537; UID 10348; state: ENABLED
11-14 14:59:16.043  1745  2454 E Transition: Trying to add a ready-group twice: Display{#0 state=ON size=1080x2400 ROTATION_0}
11-14 14:59:16.043  1745  2454 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat=https://fr.linkedin.com/... cmp=com.linkedin.android/.urls.DeeplinkActivity (has extras)} with LAUNCH_MULTIPLE from uid 10348 (BAL_ALLOW_VISIBLE_WINDOW) result code=0
11-14 14:59:16.043  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell: Transition requested: android.os.BinderProxy@449ca9 TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=107 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.pictime.smatch.drive/.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.pictime.smatch.drive/com.pictime.smatch.drive.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.linkedin.android/com.linkedin.android.urls.DeeplinkActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.pictime.smatch.drive/com.pictime.smatch.drive.MainActivity} numActivities=2 lastActiveTime=1062038898 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{android.window.IWindowContainerToken$Stub$Proxy@8a8622e} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 128 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{b3001cf com.linkedin.android.urls.DeeplinkActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@34602be] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true isVisibleRequested=true isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false topActivityLetterboxed= false isFromDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden}, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null }
11-14 14:59:16.047 31541 31541 I WonderPush.IAM.Headless: Removing display event component
11-14 14:59:16.054  1745  2454 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10348; state: ENABLED
11-14 14:59:16.055   594   594 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 
11-14 14:59:16.058 31541 31608 I flutter : [OnesiteApp:didChangeAppLifecycleState] APP STATE AppLifecycleState.inactive
11-14 14:59:16.058  1745  2454 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 27011 for 1
11-14 14:59:16.061  1745  2008 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 27011 com.linkedin.android for 1
11-14 14:59:16.061  1745  2008 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28834 com.google.android.webview:sandboxed_process0:org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0:0 for 1
11-14 14:59:16.062  1745  2008 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26035 com.android.chrome for 1
11-14 14:59:16.064  1745  2008 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26142 com.android.chrome:privileged_process0 for 1
11-14 14:59:16.064  1745  2008 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 27144 com.android.chrome:sandboxed_process0:org.chromium.content.app.SandboxedProcessService0:5 for 1
11-14 14:59:16.075  1745  7088 W AutofillManagerServiceImpl: getFillEventHistory() called by UID 10129, but service UID is 10102
11-14 14:59:16.080  1745  2454 I AppsFilter: interaction: PackageSetting{7c71bd8 com.pictime.smatch.drive/10348} -> PackageSetting{db0a52f com.koushikdutta.vysor/10327} BLOCKED
11-14 14:59:16.099 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.104 26686 26686 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.appset.service.START dat=chimera-action:/... cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsApiService }
11-14 14:59:16.104 26686 26686 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.appset.service.START dat=chimera-action:/... cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsApiService }
11-14 14:59:16.115  1745  2271 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 0] [a 1] [i 2]
11-14 14:59:16.117  1745  7088 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 25214 com.android.vending for 6
11-14 14:59:16.123 25214 25248 I Finsky  : [240] obt.run(189): Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor okg@841ce0f[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 35]
11-14 14:59:16.124 25214 25248 I Finsky  : [240] obt.run(189): Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor okg@f677e9c[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 201]
11-14 14:59:16.124 25214 25248 I Finsky  : [240] obt.run(189): Stats for Executor: bgExecutor okg@4ca0a5[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 581]
11-14 14:59:16.140  1745  3449 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {flg=0x20010000 cmp=com.linkedin.android/.authenticator.LaunchActivity (has extras)} with LAUNCH_MULTIPLE from uid 10237 (BAL_ALLOW_VISIBLE_WINDOW) result code=0
11-14 14:59:16.143  1745  3449 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {cmp=com.linkedin.android/.infra.navigation.MainActivity (has extras)} with LAUNCH_SINGLE_TOP from uid 10237 (BAL_ALLOW_VISIBLE_WINDOW) result code=0
11-14 14:59:16.153 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.157 27011 27011 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class com.linkedin.android.infra.events.NetworkConnectionChangedEvent
11-14 14:59:16.157 27011 27011 D EventBus: No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.NoSubscriberEvent
11-14 14:59:16.163  1745  2454 W AutofillManagerServiceImpl: getFillEventHistory() called by UID 10129, but service UID is 10102
11-14 14:59:16.185 27011 27019 I inkedin.android: Method exceeds compiler instruction limit: 19939 in java.util.Map com.linkedin.android.infra.components.DaggerApplicationComponent$ConstructorInjectingFragmentSubcomponentImpl.mapOfPresenterKeyAndProviderOfPresenterOf()
11-14 14:59:16.201 27011 27011 I AppCompatViewInflater: app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead.
11-14 14:59:16.218 27011 27011 I AppCompatViewInflater: app:theme is now deprecated. Please move to using android:theme instead.
11-14 14:59:16.228 27011 27011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: OnBackInvokedCallback is not enabled for the application.
11-14 14:59:16.228 27011 27011 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: Set 'android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true"' in the application manifest.
11-14 14:59:16.240  1745  3449 D CoreBackPreview: Window{716913c u0 com.linkedin.android/com.linkedin.android.infra.navigation.MainActivity}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@6ece74b, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false}
11-14 14:59:16.247   595 10926 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[MainActivity]#4(BLAST Consumer)4: File name too long
11-14 14:59:16.261   595 10926 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[MainActivity]#4(BLAST Consumer)4: File name too long
11-14 14:59:16.269   595 10926 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[MainActivity]#4(BLAST Consumer)4: File name too long
11-14 14:59:16.281   595 10926 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name VRI[MainActivity]#4(BLAST Consumer)4: File name too long
11-14 14:59:16.324 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.343  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell: onTransitionReady android.os.BinderProxy@449ca9: {id=239 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{c55d2d1 u0 com.linkedin.android/.infra.navigation.MainActivity)/@0x918075c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=TO_BACK f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{7afaa7c u0 com.pictime.smatch.drive/.MainActivity)/@0xea15a65 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) d=0}]}
11-14 14:59:16.343  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell: Playing animation for (#239)android.os.BinderProxy@449ca9@0
11-14 14:59:16.343  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell:  try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultMixedHandler@f5b061d
11-14 14:59:16.343  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell:  try handler com.android.wm.shell.keyguard.KeyguardTransitionHandler@c33bee6
11-14 14:59:16.343  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell:  try handler com.android.wm.shell.activityembedding.ActivityEmbeddingController@2168c27
11-14 14:59:16.343  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell:  try handler com.android.wm.shell.recents.RecentsTransitionHandler@f77bed4
11-14 14:59:16.343  2395  2433 V ShellRecents: RecentsTransitionHandler.startAnimation: no controller found
11-14 14:59:16.343  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell:  try handler com.android.wm.shell.pip.PipTransition@e19087d
11-14 14:59:16.343 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.343  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell:  try handler com.android.wm.shell.splitscreen.StageCoordinator@eece372
11-14 14:59:16.344  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell:  try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.RemoteTransitionHandler@455c3c3
11-14 14:59:16.344  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell: Transition doesn't have explicit remote, search filters for match for {id=239 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{c55d2d1 u0 com.linkedin.android/.infra.navigation.MainActivity)/@0x918075c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=TO_BACK f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{7afaa7c u0 com.pictime.smatch.drive/.MainActivity)/@0xea15a65 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) d=0}]}
11-14 14:59:16.344  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell:  Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x0 checks=[{atype=dream independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null},{atype=home independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@1a2c186, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@ce76a47, debugName = LauncherToDream }}
11-14 14:59:16.344  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell:  Checking filter Pair{{types=[] flags=0x0] notFlags=0x100 checks=[{atype=home independent=true modes=[OPEN,TO_FRONT] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=TOP topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher.NexusLauncherActivity}},{atype=standard independent=true modes=[CLOSE,TO_BACK] flags=NONE mustBeTask=false order=ANY topActivity=null}]} RemoteTransition { remoteTransition = android.window.IRemoteTransition$Stub$Proxy@ad41274, appThread = android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy@3a3639d, debugName = QuickstepLaunchHome }}
11-14 14:59:16.344  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell:  Delegate animation for #239 to null
11-14 14:59:16.344  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell:  try handler com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@3cc146c
11-14 14:59:16.344  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell: start default transition animation, info = {id=239 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{c55d2d1 u0 com.linkedin.android/.infra.navigation.MainActivity)/@0x918075c sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=TO_BACK f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{7afaa7c u0 com.pictime.smatch.drive/.MainActivity)/@0xea15a65 sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) d=0}]}
11-14 14:59:16.347 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.347 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.347  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@c0e8906 animAttr=0x5 type=OPEN isEntrance=false
11-14 14:59:16.358   595 10926 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name bbq-adapter#123(BLAST Consumer)123: File name too long
11-14 14:59:16.365  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell: loadAnimation: anim=android.view.animation.AnimationSet@37a2f92 animAttr=0x4 type=OPEN isEntrance=true
11-14 14:59:16.370  1745  2005 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed com.linkedin.android/.infra.navigation.MainActivity for user 0: +302ms
11-14 14:59:16.370  1745  2005 V WindowManager: Sent Transition #239 createdAt=11-14 14:59:16.039 via request=TransitionRequestInfo { type = OPEN, triggerTask = TaskInfo{userId=0 taskId=107 displayId=0 isRunning=true baseIntent=Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.pictime.smatch.drive/.MainActivity } baseActivity=ComponentInfo{com.pictime.smatch.drive/com.pictime.smatch.drive.MainActivity} topActivity=ComponentInfo{com.linkedin.android/com.linkedin.android.urls.DeeplinkActivity} origActivity=null realActivity=ComponentInfo{com.pictime.smatch.drive/com.pictime.smatch.drive.MainActivity} numActivities=2 lastActiveTime=1062038898 supportsMultiWindow=true resizeMode=1 isResizeable=true minWidth=-1 minHeight=-1 defaultMinSize=220 token=WCT{RemoteToken{89860fe Task{3a58f05 #107 type=standard A=10348:com.pictime.smatch.drive}}} topActivityType=1 pictureInPictureParams=null shouldDockBigOverlays=false launchIntoPipHostTaskId=-1 lastParentTaskIdBeforePip=-1 displayCutoutSafeInsets=Rect(0, 128 - 0, 0) topActivityInfo=ActivityInfo{f8c8858 com.linkedin.android.urls.DeeplinkActivity} launchCookies=[android.os.BinderProxy@170aaac] positionInParent=Point(0, 0) parentTaskId=-1 isFocused=true isVisible=true isVisibleRequested=true isSleeping=false topActivityInSizeCompat=false topActivityEligibleForLetterboxEducation= false topActivityLetterboxed= false isFromDoubleTap= false topActivityLetterboxVerticalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxHorizontalPosition= -1 topActivityLetterboxWidth=-1 topActivityLetterboxHeight=-1 locusId=null displayAreaFeatureId=1 cameraCompatControlState=hidden}, remoteTransition = null, displayChange = null }
11-14 14:59:16.370  1745  2005 V WindowManager:     startWCT=WindowContainerTransaction { changes = {} hops = [] errorCallbackToken=null taskFragmentOrganizer=null }
11-14 14:59:16.370  1745  2005 V WindowManager:     info={id=239 t=OPEN f=0x0 trk=0 r=[0@Point(0, 0)] c=[{null m=OPEN f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{c55d2d1 u0 com.linkedin.android/.infra.navigation.MainActivity)/@0x4541a1f sb=Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) d=-1->0 r=-1->0:-1},{null m=TO_BACK f=FILLS_TASK leash=Surface(name=ActivityRecord{7afaa7c u0 com.pictime.smatch.drive/.MainActivity)/@0x80769be sb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) eb=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) d=0}]}
11-14 14:59:16.388   595 10926 W gralloc4: Unable to set buffer name bbq-adapter#124(BLAST Consumer)124: File name too long
11-14 14:59:16.393  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell:  animated by com.android.wm.shell.transition.DefaultTransitionHandler@3cc146c
11-14 14:59:16.479  1745  7088 I ImeTracker: com.linkedin.android:f469e2ea: onRequestHide at ORIGIN_SERVER_HIDE_INPUT reason HIDE_UNSPECIFIED_WINDOW
11-14 14:59:16.480  1745  7088 I ImeTracker: com.linkedin.android:f469e2ea: onCancelled at PHASE_SERVER_SHOULD_HIDE
11-14 14:59:16.481  6972  6972 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3154 
11-14 14:59:16.482  6972  6972 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2088 repeatCheckTimes = 0, locked = false
11-14 14:59:16.482  6972  6972 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1883 onStartInput(EditorInfo{EditorInfo{packageName=com.linkedin.android, inputType=0, inputTypeString=NULL, enableLearning=false, autoCorrection=false, autoComplete=false, imeOptions=0, privateImeOptions=null, actionName=UNSPECIFIED, actionLabel=null, initialSelStart=-1, initialSelEnd=-1, initialCapsMode=0, label=null, fieldId=0, fieldName=null, extras=null, hintText=null, hintLocales=[]}}, false)
11-14 14:59:16.482  6972  6972 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2088 repeatCheckTimes = 1, locked = false
11-14 14:59:16.530 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.530 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.530 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.584 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.585 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.587 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.588 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.593 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.599 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.600 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.629  1745 10581 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10237/27011 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 4678 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=4679, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10237 RequestorUid: 10237 RequestorPkg: com.linkedin.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
11-14 14:59:16.632  1745  2263 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=4679, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10237 RequestorUid: 10237 RequestorPkg: com.linkedin.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
11-14 14:59:16.632  1745  2263 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=4679, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10237 RequestorUid: 10237 RequestorPkg: com.linkedin.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
11-14 14:59:16.633  1745  2263 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=4679, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10237 RequestorUid: 10237 RequestorPkg: com.linkedin.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
11-14 14:59:16.633  1745  2263 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=4679, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10237 RequestorUid: 10237 RequestorPkg: com.linkedin.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
11-14 14:59:16.633  1745  2271 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [4679 : null → 117] [c 1] [a 0] [i 3]
11-14 14:59:16.796 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.817   731   731 I libperfmgr: Hint type not present in actions: CPU_LOAD_UP
11-14 14:59:16.862  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell: Transition animation finished (aborted=false), notifying core (#239)android.os.BinderProxy@449ca9@0
11-14 14:59:16.864  1745  2005 V WindowManager: Finish Transition #239: created at 11-14 14:59:16.039 collect-started=0.043ms request-sent=3.605ms started=4.354ms ready=120.014ms sent=302.318ms finished=824.045ms
11-14 14:59:16.865  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell: Track 0 became idle
11-14 14:59:16.865  2395  2433 V WindowManagerShell: All active transition animations finished
11-14 14:59:16.867 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.868 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.868 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.870  1745  2155 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 265195908; UID 10348; state: ENABLED
11-14 14:59:16.876 27011 27019 I inkedin.android: JIT allocated 149KB for compiled code of com.linkedin.android.pegasus.dash.gen.voyager.dash.organization.OrganizationPermissions com.linkedin.android.pegasus.dash.gen.voyager.dash.organization.OrganizationPermissionsBuilder.build(com.linkedin.data.lite.DataReader)
11-14 14:59:16.876 27011 27019 I inkedin.android: Compiler allocated 8276KB to compile com.linkedin.android.pegasus.dash.gen.voyager.dash.organization.OrganizationPermissions com.linkedin.android.pegasus.dash.gen.voyager.dash.organization.OrganizationPermissionsBuilder.build(com.linkedin.data.lite.DataReader)
11-14 14:59:16.880 27011 27019 I inkedin.android: Method exceeds compiler instruction limit: 19939 in java.util.Map com.linkedin.android.infra.components.DaggerApplicationComponent$ConstructorInjectingFragmentSubcomponentImpl.mapOfPresenterKeyAndProviderOfPresenterOf()
11-14 14:59:16.884 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.887 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.887 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:16.902 31541 31608 I flutter : [OnesiteApp:didChangeAppLifecycleState] APP STATE AppLifecycleState.paused
11-14 14:59:16.903 27011 27019 I inkedin.android: Method exceeds compiler instruction limit: 19939 in java.util.Map com.linkedin.android.infra.components.DaggerApplicationComponent$ConstructorInjectingFragmentSubcomponentImpl.mapOfPresenterKeyAndProviderOfPresenterOf()
11-14 14:59:16.912 27011 27019 I inkedin.android: Method exceeds compiler instruction limit: 19939 in java.util.Map com.linkedin.android.infra.components.DaggerApplicationComponent$ConstructorInjectingFragmentSubcomponentImpl.mapOfPresenterKeyAndProviderOfPresenterOf()
11-14 14:59:16.984  2398  3581 I PermissionControllerServiceImpl: Updating user sensitive for uid 10277
11-14 14:59:16.986  1745  2176 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices, changes=KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS
11-14 14:59:16.993  2395  2395 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: ServiceConfig reloaded, count: 1
11-14 14:59:16.997  6237  6237 D RegisteredNfcFServicesCache: Service unchanged, not updating
11-14 14:59:16.997  2690  7669 D SecureElementService: getReaders() for com.android.nfc
11-14 14:59:17.022  6174  6174 I AiAiEcho: (REDACTED) AppFetcherImpl onPackageChanged %s.
11-14 14:59:17.022  6174  7509 I AiAiEcho: (REDACTED) AppIndexer Package:[%s] UserProfile:[%d] Enabled:[%s].
11-14 14:59:17.022  6174  7509 I AiAiEcho: (REDACTED) AppFetcherImplV2 updateApps package:[%s], userId:[%d], reason:[%s].
11-14 14:59:17.107 31541 31585 I WonderPush.IAM.Headless: Successfully fetched 0 messages from backend
11-14 14:59:17.219 27011 27091 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=f611df12-4655-4992-8498-1ec2566df583, tags={ com.linkedin.android.litrackinglib.network.SendTrackingEventWorker, send_one_batch_events_work } ]
11-14 14:59:17.242  1745  3449 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore: 7c5a222 #u0a237/-2147483548 com.linkedin.android/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService
11-14 14:59:17.245  1745 10581 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10237/27011 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 4680 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=4681, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10237 RequestorUid: 10237 RequestorPkg: com.linkedin.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
11-14 14:59:17.249  1745  2263 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=4681, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10237 RequestorUid: 10237 RequestorPkg: com.linkedin.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
11-14 14:59:17.249  1745  2271 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [4681 : null → 117] [c 0] [a 1] [i 3]
11-14 14:59:17.249  1745  2263 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=4681, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10237 RequestorUid: 10237 RequestorPkg: com.linkedin.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
11-14 14:59:17.249  1745  2263 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=4681, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10237 RequestorUid: 10237 RequestorPkg: com.linkedin.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
11-14 14:59:17.249  1745  2263 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=4681, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10237 RequestorUid: 10237 RequestorPkg: com.linkedin.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
11-14 14:59:17.438 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.438 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.438 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintHeight_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.438 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_height="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedHeight="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.438 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.438 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.440 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.440 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.440 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.440 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.440 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.440 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.449 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.449 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.449 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintHeight_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.449 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_height="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedHeight="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.449 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.449 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.450 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.450 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.450 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.450 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.450 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.450 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.456 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.456 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.456 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintHeight_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.456 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_height="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedHeight="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.456 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.456 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.457 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.457 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.458 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.458 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.458 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.458 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.477 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.477 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.477 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintHeight_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.477 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_height="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedHeight="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.477 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.477 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.478 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.478 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.479 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.479 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.479 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.479 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.479  1217  9974 I bthal.activity: bt_power: LeAdvStat: 14:59:15:479 - 14:59:17:479, duration: 2000, le_adv_count: 1, total_le_adv_count: 19834, total_event_count: 22194
11-14 14:59:17.485 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.485 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.485 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintHeight_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.485 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_height="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedHeight="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.486 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.486 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.486 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.486 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.487 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.487 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.487 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.487 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.492 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.492 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.492 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintHeight_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.492 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_height="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedHeight="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.492 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.492 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.493 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.493 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.493 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.493 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.493 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.493 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.495 28200 31863 I Fitness : (REDACTED) OnPackageChangedOperation got intent: %s
11-14 14:59:17.507 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.508 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.509 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.509 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.509 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.509 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.509 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.509 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.510 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.510 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.510 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.510 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.510 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.510 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.511 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.512 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.512 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.512 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.512 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.515 28200 19705 W ChimeraUtils: Module com.google.android.gms.nearby_en missing resource null(0)
11-14 14:59:17.516 28200 31863 I Fitness : (REDACTED) FitCleanupIntentOperation received Intent %s
11-14 14:59:17.517 28200 19705 W ChimeraUtils: Module com.google.android.gms.nearby_en missing resource null(0)
11-14 14:59:17.521 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.521 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.521 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintHeight_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.521 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_height="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedHeight="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.521 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.521 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.522 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.522 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.522 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.522 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.522 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.522 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.524 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.526 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.526 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.526 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.526 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintHeight_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_height="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedHeight="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.527 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.528 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.530 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.530 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.530 26686 31485 I Icing   : Indexing com.google.android.gms-apps from com.google.android.gms
11-14 14:59:17.530 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.530 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.531 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.531 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.531 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintHeight_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.531 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_height="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedHeight="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.531 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.531 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.532 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.532 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.532 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.532 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.532 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.532 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.534 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.534 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.534 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.535 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.536 26686 31485 I Icing   : Indexing done com.google.android.gms-apps
11-14 14:59:17.538 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.538 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.561 27011 27019 I inkedin.android: JIT allocated 61KB for compiled code of com.linkedin.android.pegasus.dash.gen.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Profile com.linkedin.android.pegasus.dash.gen.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Profile.merge(com.linkedin.android.pegasus.dash.gen.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Profile)
11-14 14:59:17.561 27011 27019 I inkedin.android: Compiler allocated 16MB to compile com.linkedin.android.pegasus.dash.gen.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Profile com.linkedin.android.pegasus.dash.gen.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Profile.merge(com.linkedin.android.pegasus.dash.gen.voyager.dash.identity.profile.Profile)
11-14 14:59:17.645 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.667 27011 27019 I inkedin.android: JIT allocated 52KB for compiled code of java.lang.Object com.linkedin.android.infra.components.DaggerApplicationComponent$ApplicationComponentImpl$SwitchingProvider.get()
11-14 14:59:17.667 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.667 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.667 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintHeight_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.667 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_height="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedHeight="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.667 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.667 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.669 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.669 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.669 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.669 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.669 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: layout_constraintWidth_default="wrap" is deprecated.
11-14 14:59:17.669 27011 27011 E ConstraintLayout: Use layout_width="WRAP_CONTENT" and layout_constrainedWidth="true" instead.
11-14 14:59:17.672 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.672 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.673 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.673 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.679 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.686 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.686 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.691 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.704 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.704 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.747 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.751 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.765 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.767 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.779 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.780 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.781 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.782 27011 27085 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=edda6909-44f7-40b5-b70b-6029ddcd8bc0, tags={ com.linkedin.android.litrackinglib.network.SendTrackingEventWorker, send_one_batch_events_work } ]
11-14 14:59:17.783 27011 27092 W WM-WorkSpec: Flex duration lesser than minimum allowed value; Changed to 300000
11-14 14:59:17.795  1745  3446 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore: 2514411 #u0a237/-2147483547 com.linkedin.android/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService
11-14 14:59:18.279 28200 28385 I NearbyDiscovery: (REDACTED) FastPairCache: Not triggering, because RSSI %d is below the threshold of %d, %s, isScannedByOffloadScanner=%b
11-14 14:59:18.909  1506  1727 I CHRE    : @ 1062010.791: [ImuCal] [GYRO_RPS] (s0, c0) Offset | Temp [C] | Quality: 0.000569, -.000794, -.001381 | 32.093751 | 4
11-14 14:59:18.909  1506  1727 I CHRE    : @ 1062010.791: [ImuCal] [GYRO_RPS] (s0) Temp Sensitivity: -.000053, -.000000, -.000010
11-14 14:59:18.909  1506  1727 I CHRE    : @ 1062010.791: [ImuCal] [GYRO_RPS] (s0) Temp Intercept: 0.002328, -.000827, -.000901
11-14 14:59:20.016  1506  1727 I CHRE    : @ 1062011.901: [ip] Peak detected: magnitude = 0.222748 hpa, duration = 79.000002 ms
11-14 14:59:20.016  1506  1727 I CHRE    : @ 1062011.901: [ip] Peak detected: magnitude = 0.217392 hpa, duration = 80.000001 ms
11-14 14:59:20.016  1226  1255 D ContextHubHal: Got message from nanoapp: ID 0x476f6f676c001022
11-14 14:59:20.016  1260  2076 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Barometric peak detected: magnitude = 0.222749 hPa (bucket: 5), duration = 79.000000 ms (bucket: 7).
11-14 14:59:20.017  1226  1255 D ContextHubHal: Got message from nanoapp: ID 0x476f6f676c001022
11-14 14:59:20.018  1745  2299 E ContextHubClientManager: Cannot send message to unregistered client (host endpoint ID = -28638)
11-14 14:59:20.019  1260  2076 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Vendor atom [id = 100047] reported.
11-14 14:59:20.019  1260  2076 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Barometric peak detected: magnitude = 0.217392 hPa (bucket: 5), duration = 80.000000 ms (bucket: 7).
11-14 14:59:20.020  1260  2076 I suez-nanoapp-clients: Vendor atom [id = 100047] reported.
11-14 14:59:20.020  1745  2299 E ContextHubClientManager: Cannot send message to unregistered client (host endpoint ID = -28638)
11-14 14:59:20.277  1217  9974 I bthal.activity: bt_power: LeAdvStat: 14:59:18:274 - 14:59:20:276, duration: 2002, le_adv_count: 2, total_le_adv_count: 19836, total_event_count: 22196
11-14 14:59:21.085 28200 28385 I NearbyDiscovery: (REDACTED) FastPairCache: Not triggering, because RSSI %d is below the threshold of %d, %s, isScannedByOffloadScanner=%b
11-14 14:59:21.179   596   596 D hwc-display: setActiveConfigWithConstraints:: PrimaryDisplay config(36) test(0)
11-14 14:59:21.179   596   596 I hwc-display: [PrimaryDisplay] setActiveConfigWithConstraints: config(36)
11-14 14:59:21.564  1293  1293 I WifiHAL : Creating message to get link statistics; iface = 47
11-14 14:59:21.627  1293  1293 I WifiHAL : In GetLinkStatsCommand::handleResponse
11-14 14:59:21.694  1745  2271 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 1] [a 2] [i 12]
11-14 14:59:21.857  1745  2163 D ActivityManager: freezing 30968 com.google.android.apps.safetyhub
11-14 14:59:23.076  1217  9974 I bthal.activity: bt_power: LeAdvStat: 14:59:21:072 - 14:59:23:076, duration: 2003, le_adv_count: 2, total_le_adv_count: 19838, total_event_count: 22198
11-14 14:59:23.878 28200 28385 I NearbyDiscovery: (REDACTED) FastPairCache: Not triggering, because RSSI %d is below the threshold of %d, %s, isScannedByOffloadScanner=%b
11-14 14:59:24.011  2395  2395 D DLObserver: onReceive(); android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
11-14 14:59:24.012  2395  2395 D DLObserver: plugged=1
11-14 14:59:24.016  2395  2395 I ReverseChargingControl: handleIntentForReverseCharging(): rtx=0 wlc=0 plgac=1 ac=1 acrtx=0 extra=1 this=com.google.android.systemui.reversecharging.ReverseChargingController@3797c19
11-14 14:59:24.017  2395  2395 D PowerNotificationWarningsGoogleImpl: onReceive: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
11-14 14:59:24.017  2395  2395 D BatteryDefenderNotification: isPlugged: true | isBatteryDefender: true | defenderEnabled: true | isCharged: false | isPluggedInDock: false
11-14 14:59:24.018  2395  2395 D IncompatibleChargerNotification: dispatchIntent: android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED
11-14 14:59:24.019  2395  3682 D PowerUI : can't show warning due to - plugged: true status unknown: false
11-14 14:59:24.046   596   596 D hwc-display: setActiveConfigWithConstraints:: PrimaryDisplay config(37) test(0)
11-14 14:59:24.046   596   596 I hwc-display: [PrimaryDisplay] setActiveConfigWithConstraints: config(37)
11-14 14:59:24.671  6174  7031 I AiAiEcho: SmartspaceNotificationPredictor no parser can handle this notification or notification is invalid
11-14 14:59:24.716  2395  2445 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load.
11-14 14:59:24.717  2395  2445 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load.
11-14 14:59:25.872  1217  9974 I bthal.activity: bt_power: LeAdvStat: 14:59:23:869 - 14:59:25:872, duration: 2002, le_adv_count: 2, total_le_adv_count: 19840, total_event_count: 22200
11-14 14:59:26.114 27011 27011 D RadarWebView: Radar URL: https://radar.cedexis.com/0/0/radar.html
11-14 14:59:26.122  1745  3445 W ProcessStats: Tracking association SourceState{d9da537 com.google.android.gms/10102 BTop #7402048} whose proc state 2 is better than process ProcessState{43b2ee2 com.google.android.gms.persistent/10102 pkg=com.google.android.gms} proc state 4 (724 skipped)

fif1973 avatar Nov 14 '23 13:11 fif1973

👋 @fif1973

NOTE: This comment is auto-generated.

Are you sure you have already searched for the same problem?

Some people open new issues but they didn't search for something similar or for the same issue. Please, search for it using the GitHub issue search box or on the official inappwebview.dev website, or, also, using Google, StackOverflow, etc. before posting a new one. You may already find an answer to your problem!

If this is really a new issue, then thank you for raising it. I will investigate it and get back to you as soon as possible. Please, make sure you have given me as much context as possible! Also, if you didn't already, post a code example that can replicate this issue.

In the meantime, you can already search for some possible solutions online! Because this plugin uses native WebView, you can search online for the same issue adding android WebView [MY ERROR HERE] or ios WKWebView [MY ERROR HERE] keywords.

Following these steps can save you, me, and other people a lot of time, thanks!

github-actions[bot] avatar Nov 14 '23 13:11 github-actions[bot]