pibooth-picture-template copied to clipboard
Pibooth plugin to customize the final picture layout using Flowchart Maker
======================== pibooth-picture-template
|PythonVersions| |PypiPackage| |Downloads|
is a plugin for the pibooth
_ application.
It permits to define the captures/texts positions and sizes using a template. The template file
(XML based on mxGraphModel definition <https://jgraph.github.io/mxgraph/docs/tutorial.html>
can be easily created/edited using the free online diagram software Flowchart Maker
. Note that
.. image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/FlowchartMaker.png?raw=true :align: center :width: 500 :alt: Flowchart Maker :target: https://app.diagrams.net
A set of templates can be found on GitHub <https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/tree/master/templates>
The fancy.xml <https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/templates/fancy.xml?raw=true>
template is automatically installed by this plugin in ~/.config/pibooth/picture_template.xml
Below are the pictures generated with this one (learn here how to Create a template
+---------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | |fancy1_landscape| | |fancy3_landscape| | +---------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | |fancy2_landscape| | |fancy4_landscape| | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+
+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+ | |fancy1_portrait| | |fancy2_portrait| | |fancy3_portrait| | |fancy4_portrait| | +-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+-------------------+
$ pip3 install pibooth-picture-template
Here below the new configuration options available in the pibooth
_ configuration.
The keys and their default values are automatically added to your configuration after first pibooth
_ restart.
.. code-block:: ini
# Pictures template path, it should contain 8 pages (4 capture numbers and 2 orientations)
template = picture_template.xml
.. note:: Edit the configuration by running the command pibooth --config
Picture rendering
Only captures, texts and images position/size are rendered. It means that, in addition to the template, the following configuration keys are still taken in account to render the final picture:
Picture orientation
A TemplateParserError
is raised if the requested orientation for the selected
captures number can not be found in the template file.
If [PICTURE][orientation] = auto
the best orientation is chosen following these
- find a template with the correct number of captures and placeholders with same orientation than the captures.
- find a template with the correct number of captures.
- find a template with portrait orientation
Create a template
The steps below will show how to create a basic template file from scratch using
the Flowchart Maker
_ application.
This file may contain several templates to define the picture layout for 1
/ 3
/ 4
captures and portrait
/ landscape
Step 1: create a new file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
=========== ==================================================================
|step1_1| Click on Create New Diagram
|step1_2| Choose a blank diagram. Modify the name of the diagram, it will be
the name of the exported file. Click on Create
|step1_3| Select the appropriated paper size. A custom one can be defined in inches. =========== ==================================================================
.. note:: It could be easier to start from an existing file. Click on Open Existing Diagram
to load the default template file located in ~/.config/pibooth/picture_template.xml
Step 2: placeholder for captures ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
=========== ================================================================== |step2_1| Choose a rectangle to define a capture placeholder. Other shapes have no effect and will be considered as rectangles.
|step2_2| Resize the rectangle to fit the desired size. The rectangle can overflow the border of the page to make design effects. Up to 4 rectangles can be drawn.
|step2_3| The captures placeholders shall be numbered (1
to 4
) to
define the captures to be placed inside. Colored shapes give a
better overview of the layout but they are not rendered on the
final picture.
=========== ==================================================================
.. note:: Images can also be inserted in the template. Use the option To back
or To Front
to chose the displayed order (PNG and JPG format accepted).
Step 3: placeholder for texts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
=========== ================================================================== |step3_1| Choose a text box to represent a text placeholder.
|step3_2| Resize the text box to fit the desired size. Up to 2 text boxes
can be drawn depending on the pibooth
_ configuration.
|step2_3| The text placeholders shall be numbered (1
, 2
or footer_text2
) to define the text to be
placed inside.
=========== ==================================================================
Step 4: picture resolution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
=========== ==================================================================
|step4_1| Extra properties can be set to the template. Click on the button
Edit Data
(close to the paper size settings). Type dpi
the entry box and click on Add Property
|step4_2| By default a resolution of 600
DPI is used. It means that the
picture size will be 2400x3600 pixels for a resolution of 4x6
inches. Set it to the desired value and click on Apply
=========== ==================================================================
Step 5: add new a template ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
=========== ==================================================================
|step5_1| Once the template is created. A new one can be defined for an
other captures number or other orientation. Click on +
to add
a new page.
|step5_2| The same picture can be used several times in the template to allows a symmetric template for example (one copy for you, one for your guests). =========== ==================================================================
Step 6: save the template file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
=========== ==================================================================
|step6_1| Generate the XML file by clicking File
, Export as
|step6_2| Click on Export
(unselect Compressed
if you want to edit
the file manually later).
=========== ==================================================================
.. note:: Instead of running pibooth
_ each time you want to test the result of
your template, use the command pibooth-regen
. It will regenerate
the existing pictures present in ~/Pictures/pibooth
using the new
.. --- Links ------------------------------------------------------------------
.. _pibooth
: https://pypi.org/project/pibooth
.. _Flowchart Maker
: https://app.diagrams.net
.. |PythonVersions| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/python-3.6+-red.svg :target: https://www.python.org/downloads :alt: Python 3.6+
.. |PypiPackage| image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/pibooth-picture-template.svg :target: https://pypi.org/project/pibooth-picture-template :alt: PyPi package
.. |Downloads| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/pibooth-picture-template?color=purple :target: https://pypi.org/project/pibooth-picture-template :alt: PyPi downloads
.. --- Examples ---------------------------------------------------------------
.. |fancy1_landscape| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/examples/fancy1_landscape.jpg?raw=true :width: 90 % :align: middle :alt: fancy1_landscape
.. |fancy2_landscape| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/examples/fancy2_landscape.jpg?raw=true :width: 90 % :align: middle :alt: fancy2_landscape
.. |fancy3_landscape| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/examples/fancy3_landscape.jpg?raw=true :width: 90 % :align: middle :alt: fancy3_landscape
.. |fancy4_landscape| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/examples/fancy4_landscape.jpg?raw=true :width: 90 % :align: middle :alt: fancy4_landscape
.. |fancy1_portrait| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/examples/fancy1_portrait.jpg?raw=true :width: 90 % :align: middle :alt: fancy1_portrait
.. |fancy2_portrait| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/examples/fancy2_portrait.jpg?raw=true :width: 90 % :align: middle :alt: fancy2_portrait
.. |fancy3_portrait| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/examples/fancy3_portrait.jpg?raw=true :width: 90 % :align: middle :alt: fancy3_portrait
.. |fancy4_portrait| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/examples/fancy4_portrait.jpg?raw=true :width: 90 % :align: middle :alt: fancy4_portrait
.. --- Tuto -------------------------------------------------------------------
.. |step1_1| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step1_1_create.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step1_1_create
.. |step1_2| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step1_2_blank.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step1_2_blank
.. |step1_3| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step1_3_size.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step1_3_size
.. |step2_1| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step2_1_rectangle.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step2_1_rectangle
.. |step2_2| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step2_2_rectangle_resize.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step2_2_rectangle_resize
.. |step2_3| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step2_3_numbering.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step2_3_numbering
.. |step3_1| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step3_1_text.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step3_1_text
.. |step3_2| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step3_2_text_resize.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step3_2_text_resize
.. |step4_1| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step4_1_property.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step4_1_property
.. |step4_2| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step4_2_dpi.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step4_2_dpi
.. |step5_1| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step5_1_new_template.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step5_1_new_template
.. |step5_2| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step5_2_symetric.jpg?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step5_2_symetric
.. |step6_1| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step6_1_xml.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step6_1_xml
.. |step6_2| image:: https://github.com/pibooth/pibooth-picture-template/blob/master/docs/images/step6_2_export.png?raw=true :width: 80 % :alt: step6_2_export