Pooya Parsa

Results 962 comments of Pooya Parsa

Hi @Billybobbonnet thanks for bug report. I think it makes sense resolving relating paths relative to rootDir [here](hhttps://github.com/nuxt/components/blob/b13db6f207565c2d43cf68d3e534732404a7266c/src/index.ts#L69). If you want to make a PR, that's more than welcome :heart:

Note: There are some discussions that prettier might change to use tabs in the next major version (I cannot find an official response how decided it is): https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/7475

> eslint maintainers recommend using prettier for code formatting rather than eslint Is it mentioned in main docs too? https://eslint.org/ Generally prettier has a wide community of users and I...

Ref: Example `.prettierrc` for some popular projects: Vue: https://github.com/vuejs/vue/blob/main/.prettierrc ```rc semi: false singleQuote: true printWidth: 80 trailingComma: 'none' arrowParens: 'avoid' ``` Vite: https://github.com/vitejs/vite/blob/main/.prettierrc.json ```json { "semi": false, "tabWidth": 2, "singleQuote":...

I think it should still work by setting a relative path to node_modules. Are you using a virtual import pattern? An example would be nice :)

I'm mostly hesitating to see if we really need another component option or can actually fix the situation by default. For resolving `~`, for instance we can check prefix to...

Yes please, and also auto-enable the flag when `~`, `@` prefixes was provided if possible :)

@antfu Sure we probably need also a major rewrite on nuxt-community/feed for Nuxt3 support. However, is out of scope of this project, we can directly see how it will look...

Thanks for discovery @pimlie. What do you think if we default `browserBaseURL` to be relative part of `baseURL` so if `baseURL=http://localhost/api` then `browserBaseURL` will be `/api`.

Oops! And we probably need to check for the same origin (which is impossible for default value as it is in the module, not runtime!) If baseURL is external like...