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Pi-hole in a docker container

Results 66 docker-pi-hole issues
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I've been through every guide possible and can not get pihole to run in a healthy container. Thing I have tried: Remove and recreate container install older versions of pihole...

## Description This option controls the permit all origins flag[0] - setting this to local only does not make logical sense for a container image build. While the web UI...

> Only problem, I tried to get the same UID/GID for WEB and PIHOLE which is not working. After I figured out that it creates the same UID and GID...


sync-branches: New code has just landed in master, so let's bring dev up to speed!


This is a: **Run Issue (running Pi-hole container failing)** ## Details On my Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS with Docker version 20.10.14 The container won't start up using the official latest image...

This is a... - [x] Request for a new or modified feature - [x] Issue trying to run the docker image - [ ] Issue trying to build / test...

Help Wanted

Adding the dns option in the docker-compose.yml. Without it, lighttpd won't start correctly. Signed-off-by: Merire ## Description simple option added in the docker-compose.yml. Also mentioned in the bug here :...

This is a: Bug ## Details Hi Everyone, I am running PiHole with DHCP using DHCP Helper. I am also using PiHole as primary DNS for WireGuard VPN. I am...

This is a: Feature Request ## Details While having pi-hole based on Debian is quite good, the docker image is over 300MB in size. Would you please create a different...

Hello Everyone, it looks like `ServerIP` is still required, regardless the improvement in #944, documented in These are the logs when starting the new docker image: ``` [s6-init] making...

Help Wanted