Aaron S. Brewster
Aaron S. Brewster
Hi, I'd like to merge this tomorrow unless there is feedback. Thanks!
Test failure seems unrelated and is on main. Merging. Thanks @dwpaley.
@dagewa did any of your processing tests use reference_geometry from earlier processing? That would have the trusted range wrong, and reference_geometry in dials.import replaces the detector model.
Hi, so I used virtual datasets at the EuXFEL last year with NeXus. See https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project/blob/master/xfel/euxfel/agipd_cxigeom2nexus.py#L24. That script creates a NeXus master from input data. The only thing that changed in...
Feels like an import order problem. In the past this has been an ABI mismatch problem for me, derived from mixing conda-compiled code with code compiled using different compilers. In...
Awesome, this has been high on my list as well. Big carbon footprint reduction :) I'll review soon, but I'm inclined to make this default, maybe with a couple adjustments...
@ndevenish I added handlers for xfel modules so that they could use the logging in dials. Is ok? See cctbx/cctbx_project#819. When that is merged, and with my new commits above,...
File sizes for the logs from the 6 image SACLA h5 dataset used by test_stills_process: - Main: 377K - This branch, `logging_option=suppressed` (the new default): 75K - This branch, `logging_option=normal`:...
Progress update. At this point the circular dependency is broken on these `serial_tbx` branches of dials, cctbx, and dxtbx. All the xfel imports in dials and dxtbx now point to...
Bump to remove stale, and to note this came up again as useful for me during some recent reprocessing.