logstash-input-mongodb copied to clipboard
Are there any build instructions?
I am trying to build logstash-input-mongodb. Are there any build instructions?
I have been using Elastic's guide. Below are the steps I have followed so far
- Set up development envirnoment
- clone code base
git clone https://github.com/phutchins/logstash-input-mongodb.git
cd logstash-input-mongodb
rm Gemfile.lock
bundle install
- Run tests
bundle exec rspec
- Build plugin
gem build logstash-input-mongodb.gemspec
I am unable to successfully run the tests. When I run bundle exec rspec
I get the following error
Using Accessor#strict_set for specs
NameError: uninitialized constant LogStash::Inputs::Mongodb
const_missing at org/jruby/RubyModule.java:3212
<top> at /Users/nreese/projects/logstash-input-mongodb/spec/inputs/mongodb_spec.rb:10
load at org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:955
block in (root) at /Users/nreese/projects/jruby-
each at org/jruby/RubyArray.java:1560
load_spec_files at /Users/nreese/projects/jruby-
load_spec_files at /Users/nreese/projects/jruby-
setup at /Users/nreese/projects/jruby-
run at /Users/nreese/projects/jruby-
run at /Users/nreese/projects/jruby-
<top> at /Users/nreese/projects/jruby-
load at org/jruby/RubyKernel.java:955
<top> at /Users/nreese/projects/jruby-
Looks like the test file can not find the class LogStash::Inputs::Mongodb. Am I missing a build step?
I am using docker for this. Here is my Dockerfile
FROM logstash
ADD ./config-dir /tmp
ADD ./logstash-mongodb /opt/logstash-mongodb/
RUN plugin install /tmp/logstash-input-mongodb-0.3.3.gem
CMD logstash -f /tmp/logstash.conf
But before you have to download gem.
Added build instruction in pull reques #41