hover icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hover copied to clipboard

:speedboat: Label data at scale. Fun and precision included.


Explore and label on a map of raw data.

Get enough to feed your model in no time.

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hover speeds up data labeling through embedding + visualization + callbacks.

  • You just need raw data and an embedding to get a map.
  • Explore the map to find "zones" that are easy and those that are tricky.
  • Start the conquest of your data by coloring the zones through wisdom!

GIF Demo

:rocket: Live Demos

With code

  • edit & run code in your browser to get a labeling interface, with guides along the way.

Without code

  • go directly to a labeling interface, pre-coded and hosted on Binder.

:sparkles: Features (click bullets to show GIF)

It's fast because it labels data in bulk.

:telescope: A semantic scatter plot of your data for labeling, equipped with

  • Tooltip for each point on mouse hover
  • Table view for inspecting all selected points
  • Toggle buttons that clearly distinguish data subsets
  • Search widgets for ad-hoc data highlight

It's accurate because multiple angles work together.

:microscope: Supplementary views to use in conjunction with the annotator, including

  • Finder: filter data by search criteria
  • Softlabel: active learning by in-the-loop model prediction score
  • Snorkel: custom functions for labeling and filtering

It's flexible (and fun!) because the process never gets old.

:toolbox: Additional tools and options that allow you to

  • Go to higher dimensions (3D? 4D?) and choose your xy-axes
  • Consecutively select across areas, dimensions, and views
  • Kick outliers and fix mistakes

:bulb: Click on the bullet points above to view GIFs!

:package: Install

Python: 3.8+

OS: Linux & Mac & Windows

PyPI (for all releases): pip install hover

Conda-forge (for 0.6.0 and above): conda install -c conda-forge hover

For Windows users, we recommend Windows Subsystem for Linux.

:book: Resources

:flags: Announcements

  • Feb 25, 2022 version 0.7.0 is now available. Check out the changelog for details :partying_face:. Some tl-dr for the impatient:
    • audio and image support supply audio/image files through URLs to label with hover!
      • any type supported by HTML (and your browser) will be supported here.
    • high-dimensional support you can now use higher-than-2D embeddings.
      • hover still plots in 2D, but you can dynamically choose which two dimension to use.

:bell: Remarks


  • Thanks to Bokeh because hover would not exist without linked plots and callbacks, or be nearly as good without embeddable server apps.
  • Thanks to Philip Vollet for sharing hover with the community even when it was really green.


  • All feedbacks are welcome, especially what you find lacking and want it fixed!
  • ./requirements-dev.txt lists required packages for development.
  • Pull requests are advised to use a superset of the pre-commit hooks listed in .pre-commit-config.yaml.


If you have found hover useful to your work, please let us know :hugs:

  title={{hover}: label data at scale},
  note={Open software from https://github.com/phurwicz/hover},
    Pavel Hurwicz and
    Haochuan Wei},