Patrick Phan

Results 12 comments of Patrick Phan

It can be fixed by adding `overflow-scroll="false"` into `ion-scroll` tag.

make sure you already re-built app `react-native run-ios`

not sure what's wrong with your project, but I'm sure it works for me on both platforms

style issue, try something like this ``` render() { return ( this.richtext = r} style={[this.getStyle('richText'), this.props.editorStyle]} contentInset={{right: 0, left: 0}} bounces={false} hiddenTitle={true} enableOnChange={true} contentPlaceholder={this.props.placeholder} initialContentHTML={this.state.value} editorInitializedCallback={() => this.onEditorInitialized()} /> this.richtext}...

fixed by using `clearFromDisk` and `clearFromMemory` ParseInstallation before creating new one

But I'm facing another issue, new record is missing `deviceToken`, I see `pushType` is `gcm` was saved

@pargu yes, you're right. I confirm this issue happens only on Android 9. I'll check your solution soon. Thank you.

@flovilmart you can't update `deviceToken` of `Installation` object without using `masterKey`

@adirgan probably you should revoke the current installation then create new one.

@adirgan you have to write code to clear Parse's cache. Use `clearFromMemory` and `clearFromDisk` method.