linux_notification_center icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
linux_notification_center copied to clipboard

Config file is not loading at all.

Open tomato4 opened this issue 3 years ago • 7 comments

Whenever I change anything in deadd.conf or deadd.css and restarting app, it changes nothing (color, sizes, ...).

for example I tried: label.deadd-noti-center.notification.body { color: red; } in deadd.css file or hideOnMouseLeave = false width = 800 in conf file but none of that changed anything

My config file is located in ~/.config/deadd/deadd.conf and also XDG_CONFIG_HOME is correctly set to config folder path.

I don't know, if there is any log to this app so I can't attach it there. But I will answer to any question to this problem if needed.

tomato4 avatar Apr 27 '21 09:04 tomato4

Hi @tomato4,

What version are you using?

Does deadd log anything into the console (that's basically as far as it get's with logs)?

phuhl avatar May 04 '21 14:05 phuhl

I'm using latest version from AUR packages. The one called deadd-notification-center-bin and version 1.7.3-2

No. There is only daemon started. Nothing more. image

tomato4 avatar May 05 '21 09:05 tomato4

Version 1.7.3 does not yet support deadd.css, that is only available on the master branch. To find out the possible configuration for 1.7.3 check out this link:

Still though, deadd.css should be doing something. Could you post your config file?

phuhl avatar May 06 '21 07:05 phuhl

It didn't occur to me to check the version of readme to my version. Sorry about that.

Here is my config file. I set some "ridiculous" values just to see if it changes, but nothing happend. Eg. hideOnMouseLeave is false, but it is doing it (but as I see in 1.7.3. example this is maybe also version problem). What is not version problem (or at least it should't be) is for example marginTop or width of noti-center. If I set 1000 width it doesn't change anything.

Now I'm using the newest config example and I'm not sure if this will not cause these problems. So I will try to change the default one from 1.7.3. tag or I will try compile the master version (or "deadd-notification-center-git" AUR package which should be basically same as compiling master). ~~After that I will write you if the problem was resolved.~~

UPDATE: I wasn't able to compile it from master branch nor from AUR package (it throws errors. Maybe it's because I'm Manjaro user, but idk). Also tried to take default config file from 1.7.3. tag and changed width and margin and this also didn't change anything.


# Hide the notification center when the mouse leaves the window
hideOnMouseLeave = false

# Margin at the top of the notification center in pixels. This can be
# used to avoid overlap between the notification center and bars such
# as polybar or i3blocks.
marginTop = 100

# Margin at the bottom of the notification center in pixels.
marginBottom = 0

# Margin to the right of the notification center in pixels.
marginRight = 0

# Width of the notification center in pixels. 
width = 1000

# Monitor on which the notification center will be printed.
monitor = 0

# If true, the notification center will open on the screen, on which the
# mouse is
followMouse = false

# (Optional) Command to run at startup.  This can be used to setup
# button states.
# startupCommand = "deadd-notification-center-startup"

# If newFirst is set to true, newest notifications appear on the top
# of the notification center. Else, notifications stack, from top to
# bottom.
newFirst = true;

# If useActionIcons is set to true, Action Buttons can show Icon
useActionIcons = true

# If true, the transient field in notifications will be ignored and
# the notification will be persisted in the notification center anyways
ignoreTransient = false

# If true, markup (<u>, <i>, <b>, <a>) will be displayed properly
useMarkup = true

# If true, html entities (&#38; for &, &#37; for %, etc) will be parsed 
# properly. This is useful for chromium-based apps, which tend to send 
# these in notifications. 
parseHtmlEntities = true

# If set to true, the parameter noClosedMsg can be set on
# notifications. If noClosedMsg is set to true on a notification,
# DBUS NotificationClosed messages will not be send for this
# notification.
configSendNotiClosedDbusMessage = false

# If set to true: If no icon is passed by the app_icon parameter 
# and no application "desktop-entry"-hint is present, the notification
# center will try to guess the icon from the application name (if present).
# Default is true.
guessIconFromAppname = true

# See section "Notification based scripting" for an explanation
#match = "title=Abc;body=abc":"app=notify-send"
#modify = "transient=false"
#run = "":"killall notify-send"


# Default timeout used for notifications in milli-seconds.  This can
# be overwritten with the "-t" option (or "--expire-time") of the
# notify-send command.
notiDefaultTimeout = 10000

# Margin above notifications (in pixels). This can be used to avoid
# overlap between notifications and a bar such as polybar or i3blocks.
distanceTop = 0

# Margin on the right of the notification (in pixels).
distanceRight = 50

# Vertical distance between 2 notifications (in pixels).
distanceBetween = 20

# Width of the notifications.
width = 500

# Monitor on which the notification will be printed.
monitor = 0

# If true, the notifications will open on the screen, on which the
# mouse is
followMouse = false

# The display size of the application icons in the notification 
# pop-ups and in the notification center
iconSize = 20

# The maximal display size of images that are part of notifications
# for notification pop-ups and in the notification center
maxImageSize = 100

# The margin around the top, bottom, left, and right of notification
# images. Applies to popup notifications and in-center notifications.
imageMarginTop = 15
imageMarginBottom = 15
imageMarginLeft = 15
imageMarginRight = 0

# Truncates notification bodies with '...' at the specified number of 
# lines. If -1 is specified, the body text will not be truncated.
# Applies only to popup notifications
shortenBody = 5

# The mouse button for closing a popup. Must be either "mouse1", 
# "mouse2", "mouse3", "mouse4", or "mouse5"
dismissButton = mouse1

# The mouse button for opening a popup with the default action.
# Must be either "mouse1", "mouse2", "mouse3", "mouse4", or "mouse5"
defaultActionButton = mouse3

### This section describes the configurable buttons within the
### notification center and NOT the buttons that appear in the
### notifications

 Note: If you want your buttons in the notification center to be
#       squares you should verify that the following equality holds:
#       [notification-center]::width
#          == [buttons]::buttonsPerRow * [buttons]::buttonHeight
#             + ([buttons]::buttonsPerRow + 1) * [buttons]::buttonMargin

# Numbers of buttons that can be drawn on a row of the notification
# center.
buttonsPerRow = 5

# Height of buttons in the notification center (in pixels).
buttonHeight = 60

# Horizontal and vertical margin between each button in the 
# notification center (in pixels).
buttonMargin = 2

# Labels written on the buttons in the notification center. Labels
# should be written between quotes and separated by a colon. For
# example:
# labels = "VPN":"Bluetooth":"Wifi":"Screensaver"

# Each label is represented as a clickable button in the notification
# center. The commands variable below define the commands that should
# be launched when the user clicks on the associated button.  There
# should be the same number of entries in `commands` and in `labels`
# commands = "sudo vpnToggle":"bluetoothToggle":"wifiToggle":"screensaverToggle"#

tomato4 avatar May 06 '21 14:05 tomato4

Ok, it appears to me, that the file is not found for some reason. I don't know why, though. Could you post the output of echo $XDG_CONFIG_HOME?

phuhl avatar May 10 '21 16:05 phuhl

I wasn't able to compile it from master branch nor from AUR package (it throws errors. Maybe it's because I'm Manjaro user, but idk). Also tried to take default config file from 1.7.3. tag and changed width and margin and this also didn't change anything.

Feel free to open a seperate issue for this

phuhl avatar May 10 '21 16:05 phuhl

Ok, it appears to me, that the file is not found for some reason. I don't know why, though. Could you post the output of echo $XDG_CONFIG_HOME?


tomato4 avatar May 10 '21 23:05 tomato4

As this issue concerns the old config format (as file is deadd.conf, not deadd.yml) I am going to close this. Should the issue persist with the newest version of deadd and a deadd.yml file, feel free to reopen.

phuhl avatar Aug 06 '23 15:08 phuhl