At any rate, to work around this the user as to go back to the [section **Fill in the transaction information**]( and recalculate `transaction.outputs[0].capacity` to take in account transaction fees!

Of course using a valid args, such as "args": "0x43d509d97f26007a285f39241cffcd411157196c", fixes the transaction and so it validates without any issue! 
@TravisLeeRichardson @jordanmack and I spent at least three days each thinking about this: we are smart and well informed on Nervos L1, but we couldn't figured it out. What would...
Great news on more friendly error messages!! :partying_face: As for me I'm following the [Developer Training Course]( and noting errors as I go. You may want to **check out if...
[I already tried changing from `data` to `data1`](, but the Lumos version used in the course is too old.. I guess, we'll figure something out, thanks for the help!! :pray:
@quake now basically the issue is **displaying a proper error message when CKB VM 2021 binary is run in a old CKB VM**, a very common mistake. Feel free to...