buffer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
buffer copied to clipboard

Simple library for operating binary data in PHP

PHPinnacle Buffer

Latest Version on Packagist Software License Total Downloads

PHPinnacle Buffer is a simple tool for operating binary data in PHP. Mostly it simply wraps PHP pack/unpack functions.


Via Composer

$ composer require phpinnacle/buffer

Basic Usage


use PHPinnacle\Buffer\ByteBuffer;

// AMQP protocol header
$buffer = new ByteBuffer;


$ composer test


$ composer bench

Some results with pure PHP realisation:

Benchmark Best (μs) Mean (μs) Mode (μs) Worst (μs)
appendIntegers 11.605 12.115 12.047 12.888
appendFloats 10.464 10.913 10.786 17.943
appendString 8.857 41.021 20.611 362.174
consume 48.916 50.721 50.399 61.542
read 26.617 27.665 27.500 31.744

And results with enabled extension:

Benchmark Best (μs) Mean (μs) Mode (μs) Worst (μs)
appendIntegers 2.522 2.657 2.625 3.031
appendFloats 1.987 2.136 2.095 3.307
appendString 3.692 3.854 3.806 5.695
consume 13.701 14.654 14.454 17.977
read 5.128 5.425 5.313 6.625


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If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.