gofpdi copied to clipboard
A weird problem: default pdf text language changed after importing pdf page
import (
var FontType string = "NotoSansSC-Regular.ttf"
func NewPdf() *gofpdf.Fpdf {
pdf := gofpdf.New("P", "pt", "A4", "")
//chinese font add
pdf.AddUTF8Font(FontType, "", "static/font/"+FontType)
return pdf
var imp = gofpdi.NewImporter()
func ImportPdfPages(pdf *gofpdf.Fpdf, pdffile string) *gofpdf.Fpdf {
pageSizes := imp.GetPageSizes()
total := len(pageSizes)
pdfReader := imp.GetReader()
for i := 1; i <= total; i++ {
rotation, _ := pdfReader.GetPageRotation(i)
curWidth := pageSizes[i]["/MediaBox"]["w"]
curHeight := pageSizes[i]["/MediaBox"]["h"]
angle := rotation.Int % 360
// Normalize angle
tpl := getTemplateID(imp, pdf, i, "/MediaBox")
if angle != 0 && (angle/90)%2 != 0 {
pdf.AddPageFormat(gofpdf.OrientationLandscape, gofpdf.SizeType{Wd: curWidth, Ht: curHeight})
pdf.UseImportedTemplate(imp.UseTemplate(tpl, 0, 0, curHeight, curWidth))
} else {
pdf.UseImportedTemplate(imp.UseTemplate(tpl, 0, 0, curWidth, curHeight))
return pdf
func getTemplateID(i *gofpdi.Importer, f *gofpdf.Fpdf, pageno int, box string) int {
tp := i.ImportPage(pageno, box)
tplObjIDs := i.PutFormXobjectsUnordered()
imported := i.GetImportedObjectsUnordered()
importedObjPos := i.GetImportedObjHashPos()
return tp
// test on window7 \centos7.5 go 1.16.
pdf text is chinese language before importing(sample pdf page 2)
changed to english after importing
I dont know the reason ....
Simple Pdf is here ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
It seems the reason about CID font not be supported
Further more, i found DecodeParams in the pdf source code seems not be supported on reader.go
<</DecodeParms<</Columns 5/Predictor 12>
use mupdf(mutool) clean pdf before importing, then ok
pdfReader.GetPageRotation undefined