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PHP Telegram Bot based on the official Telegram Bot API
Before ~0.37 they were correctly handled by Genericcommand, I think since now my code for 'stalking' other bot commands in Genericcommand doesn't generate any reports. The same in private chat...
This library should not require directly monolog and guzzle. Instead, it should require psr/log and psr/http-client Of course, monolog and guzzle could be stille be required in required-dev (since you...
I would like to modify the DB, and its classes, to add the field `bot_id int (10) unsigned` to manage multiple bots with the same 12 main tables. Then you...
Not sure if i'm missing something but if i give any command path of custom commands they dont get loaded because this function assumes that the namespace is below Longman\TelegramBot\Commands
Maybe use any ORM? I want use PostgreSQL database, but DB.php inludes only MySQL syntax. I Want write it feature. What do you think about it?
Currently, to avoid using another database or flat files I am doing this: ```php $settings = new Conversation( $this->telegram->getBotId(), $this->getMessage()->getChat()->getId(), 'settings' ); $settings->notes['key'] = 'value'; $settings->update(); ``` Will be nice...
In file core/src/Commands/SystemCommands/CallbackqueryCommand.php We have this method : public function execute() { //$callback_query = $this->getUpdate()->getCallbackQuery(); //$user_id = $callback_query->getFrom()->getId(); //$query_id = $callback_query->getId(); //$query_data = $callback_query->getData(); // Call all registered callbacks. foreach...
### Required Information - Operating system: ubuntu 16.04 - PHP version: 7.1 - PHP Telegram Bot version: Latest version - Using MySQL database: yes - MySQL version: 5.7.19 - Update...
For example: Show info to the users that bot is disabled while letting requests from Admin ID to go through. #505 will help with this
Basically webhook can output a json containing a request like sendmessage and when Telegram API enters it it will instantly execute that call. This can be particularly useful if the...