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RBAC with domain and domain pattern returns invalid results
When using model with keymatch, the role manager doesn't create links like it is supposed to do, giving invalid enforce result. RoleManager used to work when it was a "clone" of the node.js version, but broke when it was reworked on this commit
Also note that now buildRoleLinks() must be called to have some "good" results
How to reproduce:
====================================================================== model.conf
[request_definition] r = sub, dom, obj, act
[policy_definition] p = sub, dom, obj, act
[role_definition] g = _, _, _
[policy_effect] e = some(where (p.eft == allow))
[matchers] m = g(r.sub, p.sub, r.dom) && keyMatch(r.dom, p.dom) && r.obj == p.obj && r.act == p.act
====================================================================== policies.csv
p,perm1,,data1,read p,perm2,,data1,write p,perm3,,data2,read p,perm4,,data2,write
g,adminrole,perm1,* g,adminrole,perm2,* g,adminrole,perm3,* g,adminrole,perm4,* g,readerrole,perm1,* g,readerrole,perm3,*
g,admingroup, adminrole, * g,readergroup, readerrole, *
g,usergroup4, readergroup, domain4 g,usergroup4, perm4, domain4
g,alice,admingroup,domain1 g,alice,readergroup,domain2 g,alice,readergroup,domain4
result tests in
alice, domain1, data1, read => true alice, domain1, data1, write => true alice, domain1, data2, read => true alice, domain1, data2, write => true bob, domain1, data2, write => false alice, domain2, data1, read => true alice, domain2, data1, write => false alice, domain2, data2, read => true alice, domain2, data2, write => false alice, domain3, data1, read => false alice, domain3, data1, write => false alice, domain3, data2, read => false alice, domain3, data2, write => false alice, domain4, data1, write => false alice, domain4, data1, read => true alice, domain4, data2, read => true alice, domain4, data2, write => true
end to end to in EnforcerTest.php
public function testRbacWithDomain()
$e = new Enforcer(
$this->modelAndPolicyPath . '/rbac_with_domain_pattern_model_and_keymatch_model.conf',
$this->modelAndPolicyPath . '/rbac_with_domain_pattern_model_and_keymatch_policy.csv'
$e->addNamedDomainMatchingFunc('g', 'keyMatch', function (string $key1, string $key2) {
return BuiltinOperations::keyMatch($key1, $key2);
// NOTE : without $e->buildRoleLinks(); everything is false;
// WITH $e->buildRoleLinks(); everything is true
$this->assertTrue($e->enforce('alice', 'domain1', 'data1', 'read'));
$this->assertTrue($e->enforce('alice', 'domain1', 'data1', 'write'));
$this->assertTrue($e->enforce('alice', 'domain1', 'data2', 'read'));
$this->assertTrue($e->enforce('alice', 'domain1', 'data2', 'write'));
$this->assertTrue($e->enforce('alice', 'domain2', 'data1', 'read'));
$this->assertFalse($e->enforce('alice', 'domain2', 'data1', 'write'));
$this->assertTrue($e->enforce('alice', 'domain2', 'data2', 'read'));
$this->assertFalse($e->enforce('alice', 'domain2', 'data2', 'write'));
$this->assertFalse($e->enforce('alice', 'domain3', 'data1', 'read'));
$this->assertFalse($e->enforce('alice', 'domain3', 'data1', 'write'));
$this->assertFalse($e->enforce('alice', 'domain3', 'data2', 'read'));
$this->assertFalse($e->enforce('alice', 'domain3', 'data2', 'write'));
$this->assertFalse($e->enforce('alice', 'domain4', 'data1', 'write'));
$this->assertTrue($e->enforce('alice', 'domain4', 'data1', 'read'));
$this->assertTrue($e->enforce('alice', 'domain4', 'data2', 'read'));
$this->assertTrue($e->enforce('alice', 'domain4', 'data2', 'write'));
Results are all true, or all false. They doesn't match online editor
+1 to me I'm fairy interested by That @leeqvip or @basakest it's a really nice catch to fix what's your opinion ?
@leeqvip can we revoke this PR?
@Nalweakette It has been fixed in v3.21.4, but this is not the final solution. It should be pointed out that for blank domain names in the policies, use * instead.
Closed as resolved