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The homepage of Phosphor Icons, a flexible icon family for everyone
**Describe the requested icon(s)** For "Leave feedback" button. **References** Here is how it could look like: https://blade-ui-kit.com/blade-icons/codicon-feedback https://blade-ui-kit.com/blade-icons/fluentui-person-feedback-16-o **Additional context**
**Describe the requested icon(s)** I request the addition of **Google Scholar** and **ORCID** icons to the academic icon set. These icons are widely used in academic and research communities to...
**Describe the requested icon(s)** Useful for restaurant websites, linktree-like pages of various businesses. **References** Their website: https://www.tripadvisor.com/ Icon that can be used as a reference: https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/tripadvisor_732153 **Additional context**