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Blender Minecraft .json model importer/exporter

Blender Minecraft JSON Import/Export

Import/export cuboid geometry between Blender and Minecraft .json model format. The Blender model must follow very specific restrictions for the exporter to work (read Export Guide below).

Supports import/export uvs. This addon can export solid material colors packed into an auto-generated image texture (alongside normal textures), so you can mix textures and solid face colors on Blender meshes.

Tested on Blender 2.83, 2.92.


  1. git clone or copy this repository into your scripts/addons or custom scripts folder.
  2. Enable in Edit > Preferences > Add-ons (search for Minecraft JSON Import/Export)

Export Guide

  • Only exports cuboid objects e.g. Object meshes must be rectangular prisms (8 vertices and 6 faces). The local mesh coordinates must be aligned to global XYZ axis. Do not rotate the mesh vertices in edit mode.
  • All cuboids must be separate objects.
  • Apply rotations at the Object level (outside of mesh edit). Only one axis can have a net rotation with 5 possible degree values: [-45, -22.5, 0, 22.5, 45]. What net rotation means is that the object can have any multiple of 90 deg rotations on any axis (because the object is still a cuboid), but only one axis can have a further rotation of values listed. Objects with invalid rotations will be rounded to their closest valid rotation. Examples of valid/invalid rotations:
x y z
0 22.5 0 valid
90 270 45 valid
90 270 135 valid
45 135 0 invalid (two net rotations)
30 0 0 invalid (value not allowed)
  • Apply all scale to objects before exporting. Use ctrl + A to bring up Apply menu then hit Apply > Scale. (Also found in Object > Apply > Scale tab in viewport)
  • Recalculate normals if textures are on wrong faces. Applying negative scales can sometimes flip face normals inside, which causes incorrect auto-generated texture colors. Recalculate normals on all meshes to fix (Select All > Edit Mode > Select All > ctrl + shift + N to recalculate and uncheck inside).

Example .blend files and generated .json models are in examples folder.

Export Options

Option Default Description
Selection Only False If True, export only selected objects
Recenter Coordinates True Recenters Blender origin (0,0,0) to Minecraft origin (8,8,8)
Rescale to Max True Rescale exported model so the largest axis fits the 48x48x48 Minecraft model volume.
Recenter Model to Origin True Recenter model so its center is at the origin.
Texture Subfolder "item" Subfolder for model texture path: assets/minecraft/textures/[subfolder]
Texture Name Name of texture generated [name].png (blank defaults to .json filename)
Export UVs True Exports face UVs
Generate Color Texture True Auto-textures solid material colors and generates a .png image texture exported alongside model (overwrites UVs). By default will get colors from all materials in the Blender file.
Only Use Exported Object Colors False When exporting auto-generated color texture, only use materials colors on exported objects (instead of all materials in file).
Minify .json False Enable options to reduce .json file size
Decimal Precision 8 Number of digits after decimal point in output .json (-1 to disable)
Export Bones False Export model in chunks by associated bones (experimental)
Export Animations False Export bone animations into a separate .json file (see docs, experimental)

Import Options

Option Default Description
Import UVs True Import face UVs
Translate by (-8, -8, -8) False Fixed (-8,-8,-8) translation to convert from Minecraft [-16,32] space
Recenter to Origin True Centers model on Blender world origin (overrides translate option)

Minecraft Geometry Restrictions Overview

Detailed overview:

  • Uses a Y-up coordinate system (Blender uses Z-up, exporter handles the conversion).
  • Coordinates must be from [-16, 32]
  • Single axis rotations with 5 possible values: [-45, -22.5, 0, 22.5, 45]
  • Minecraft UV axis is top-left (0, 0) to bottom-right (16, 16) while Blender is bottom-left (0, 0) to top-right (1, 1)
  • Each face UVs specified as in format [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] where each value in range [0, 16]


  • Collection hierarchy export (currently no nested collections, only immediate collection exported)