Phong Nguyen Ha
Phong Nguyen Ha
@breuckelen for me I can only train 4 frame sequence using the original code. My computer only have 32 GB of RAM. One more question: should I increase the number...
@breuckelen Actually I have implemented a new dataloader to load a subset of rays per iteration. Doing so significantly reduced the amount of RAM required to start training. I will...
Hey guys, can we stop asking the team to release the code. I think they know we are all waiting but we need to give them some time to polish...
A very quick fix for me is to change this [line]( of code to the new version of CoTracker. `self.tracker = torch.hub.load("facebookresearch/co-tracker", "cotracker2")`
@dcharatan Hmm, so I would need to manually download the weight of the V1 CoTracker here and load it to reproduce your results?
Hi, I wonder how can I do that with the current codebase ?
> @phongnhhn92 @chenusc11 could you send a quick fix to that code? I am sorry for slow reply. I think @chenusc11 found the solution. I didnt notice that you combine...
Hello guys, I hate to do this but I have to reopen the issue again. This is the code that I copy and adapt from the example: ``` import torch...
I am afraid to tell that I made a mistake thinking the problem is solved. I thought just simply change the line as @chenusc11 would help but it turns out...
@mariannanovaes @isharaux Sorry, i cant :(