webrtc-metadata-example copied to clipboard
Passing real time metadata synchronized with video frames using WebRTC Native APIs.
WebRTC video frame metadata example
This example shows how to pass real time metadata synchronized with video frames using RTP Header Extensions.
How to build
These steps will ensure your development environment is configured properly, and then they'll walk you through the process of building the code.
- Windows 10 Anniversary Update
- Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
- Windows 10 SDK - 10.0.14393.795
Downloading WebRTC source code
Note: Before running
script, please ensure PowerShell is set to enable unrestricted script execution.
Open .\config.ps1
and modify WebRTCFolder, which will store WebRTC source code, if needed.
Run .\webrtcSetup.ps1
from the Windows PowerShell command line. This will download and configure the following:
- Chromium m58 release
- This patch, which adds metadata id to video frame
Note: For some reason, if you don't want to apply the metadata patch, run .\webrtcSetupNoPatch.ps1
Building WebRTC libraries
Run .\webrtcBuild.ps1
from the Windows PowerShell command line. This will build 32bit and 64bit Debug, Release, Exes, Dlls and PDBs of WebRTC.
The actual build
- Open the WebRTCMetadataExample solution in Visual Studio
- Build the solution (Build -> Build Solution) in the desired configuration (Build -> Configuration Manager -> Dropdowns at the top)
- Done!
Build output
After you've built the solution, you'll likely want to start one sample sender implementation, and one sample receiver implementation. These are applications demonstrate the synchronization between video frame and metadata.
Note: you can click on and hold the window title bar, the numbers will freeze for a second so that you can read them.
To run locally, remember to start peerconnection_server.exe
, the signaling server, before the sender and receiver apps.
Metadata Id and data channel
Using video frame metadata id, you can easily send additional data via WebRTC data channel and synchronize between sender and receiver.
Known issues
The example uses VP8 encoder/decoder but it's straightforward to support VP9 and H264 codecs.