perplexed icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
perplexed copied to clipboard

OTF monospace typeface, a derivative of IBM Plex Mono with Powerline glyphs added


This typeface is a very lightly modified derivative of IBM Plex Mono.

The only modifications made were to disable the ccmp tables, since they were refusing to export properly, and to add the Powerline glyphs for use in terminal applications.

If you only want the font files, just download

If anybody more skilled than I would like to figure out how to re-enable the ccmp tables (and explain it to me maybe?) I would be most grateful. I'd like to have the font as close to the IBM original as possible, with the addition of the Powerline characters.

As specified in the IBM Plex font release, this font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License 1.1. (see