rs-backup-suite copied to clipboard
Why the root only permissions
Before I go further, please what is the reason for the default root only permissions on every rs-backup executables && conf files?
user@client $ /usr/bin/rs-backup-run -n
/usr/bin/rs-backup-run: ligne 36: /etc/rs-backup/client-config: permission denied
/usr/bin/rs-backup-run: ligne 43: /usr/bin/rs-version: permission denied
/usr/bin/rs-backup-run: ligne 150 : [: 4 : unary operator expected
Default permissions on the client:
user@client $ ls -l /usr/bin/rs*
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root 23528 Apr 9 18:00 /usr/bin/rs-backup-run
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root 1779 Apr 9 18:00 /usr/bin/rs-version
user@client $ ls -ld /etc/rs*
drwxrwx--- 2 root root 4096 Apr 26 10:46 rs-backup
Same occurs once I can access the server after chmoding the above to 755:
user@client $ /usr/bin/rs-backup-run -nv
INFO: Running without root privileges, only backing up user home directory...
INFO: Starting backup of '/home/USER' (DRY RUN)...
bash: /usr/bin/rs-run-ssh-cmd: Permission denied
ERROR: Backup failed! Error message: bash: /usr/bin/rs-run-ssh-cmd: Permission denied
Default permissions on the server:
root@server:~# ls -l /usr/bin/rs-run-ssh-cmd
-rwxrwx---+ 1 root backup 2001 Apr 3 17:50 /usr/bin/rs-run-ssh-cmd
The install script preserves the permissions that the file has in the repository. client/usr/bin/rs-backup-suite has permissions 755 in the repository. If it has something else on your system, then either something's wrong with your umask or you changed permissions.
Thank you phoerious.
I use the default umask on both the server (Debian Jessie) and clients (Debian Stretch and Ubuntu 16.04), with nothing added/changed in the users' environment variables:
/etc/init.d/ssh:umask 022
/etc/login.defs:# UMASK Default "umask" value.
Yet for some reasons I get ACLs:
$ git clone
$ ls -l rs-backup-suite/
total 56
drwxrwx---+ 4 USER users 4096 May 16 17:33 client
-rwxrwx---+ 1 USER users 9871 May 16 17:33
-rw-rw----+ 1 USER users 17806 May 16 17:33
drwxrwx---+ 5 USER users 4096 May 16 17:33 server
lrwxrwxrwx 1 USER users 10 May 16 17:33 ->
OK. What I totally forgot is that this system is a NAS (OpenMediaVault) with ACL rules that freakin superseed the standard CLI/system ones. I'll start it all over again and come back here report how it goes. Hopefully soon, this time.