phoenix_live_view copied to clipboard
Form Change Event with missing params
I'm not exactly sure if this is the right place to report this problem since this might be either expected or a problem in the browser.
- Elixir version (elixir -v):
1.11.3 (OTP 23.2.5)
- Phoenix version (mix deps):
- Phoenix LiveView version (mix deps):
- NodeJS version (node -v):
- NPM version (npm -v):
- Operating system:
Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
- Browsers you attempted to reproduce this bug on (the more the merrier): Chrome / Firefox
- Does the problem persist after removing "assets/node_modules" and trying again? Yes/no: Yes
Actual behavior
I've forms that are set up as the phoenix generator does it (although using Surface):
for={{ @changeset }}
opts={{ autocomplete: "off", id: "person-form", "phx-hook": "BlockNavigation" }}
<!-- ... -->
def handle_event("validate", %{"person" => person_params}, socket) do
# ...
When trying this by hand it works as expected. With our Sentry tracing of the application, we catch a lot of FunctionClauseError
FunctionClauseError: no function clause matching in HygeiaWeb.PersonLive.BaseData.handle_event/3
File "lib/hygeia_web/live/person_live/base_data.ex", line 73, in HygeiaWeb.PersonLive.BaseData.handle_event/3
File "lib/phoenix_live_view/channel.ex", line 338, in anonymous fn/3 in Phoenix.LiveView.Channel.view_handle_event/3
File "/builds/hygeia/backend/deps/telemetry/src/telemetry.erl", line 262, in :telemetry.span/3
File "lib/phoenix_live_view/channel.ex", line 203, in Phoenix.LiveView.Channel.handle_info/2
File "gen_server.erl", line 689, in :gen_server.try_dispatch/4
File "gen_server.erl", line 765, in :gen_server.handle_msg/6
File "proc_lib.erl", line 226, in :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
The supplied parameters look like this:
-%{"_csrf_token" => "cRcLJHkALCBDAlUBARMGemR2DFQhBzkE9eMvMAoNpEdJyzJCIDAcgOIB", "_method" => "put", "_target" => ["_method"]}
- socket
I myself can not reproduce the issue.
Unfortunately the application in which this error is caused is strictly confidential (health data / COVID19- Tracing) and therefore I do not have the possibility to get more information from the people causing the issue.
The error happens across all forms and are not localized to one resource.
Expected behavior
The event only to be triggered with the form parameters present in the event.
The code producing the problem has since been released publicly:
As said, this is only one occurrence of the error and it happens with all forms.
I'm still unable to reproduce it myself but see the errors reported on Sentry multiple times a day.
A minimal example with a way to reliably reproduce the issue is going to be required to dig down into this one. On first glance, it looks like it could be related to the form recovery on disconnect, but that doesn't explain the missing form attributes. If you can provide a minimal repro please let us know. Thanks!
@chrismccord I still don't have a way to reproduce the error.
It seems to be a general issue and not connected to any specific form.
The error occurred (across all different forms) 1'115 times in the last 90 days and it was caused by 35+ different users. (Not all users are authenticated, only counting the ones that were logged in.)
A few examples:
- Sentry:
- LiveView:
- Template:
- Sentry:
- LiveView:
- Template:
- Sentry:
- LiveView:
- Template:
If you have any ideas on how to reproduce the issue / debug the issue further, I'm willing to do an effort. I don't know where to start at the moment though.
@maennchen one suggestion would be to add a catch-all clause and log what you are receiving, so we can see which parameters it is receiving, if any?
Can you include a copy paste of the form HTML produced in the DOM when the page is rendered? You may also try recreating it by disabled live reload in development (remove from endpoint) and killing/restarting the server and watching the form recover.
Oh, ignore me. I could not find the parameters on sentry but they are available in the initial report. If this is related to form recovery, as Chris suggested, then maybe you can try reproducing it by killing the server and starting it again to trigger form recovery.
Sure, this is the HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de-CH" data-sentry-enabled="true"
data-sentry-dsn="https://[email protected]/2"
data-sentry-user="{"email":"[email protected]","id":"fe064d3a-9a86-4b5b-8a47-da98347f964f","name":"Jonatan Männchen"}">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta charset="UTF-8" content="MGgzLD4hERxzOgs-Ek49A2JpIS5AAQEswYDyYXhEDbLvvwp20Pnwt8Qb" csrf-param="_csrf_token"
method-param="_method" name="csrf-token">
<title data-suffix=" - Hygeia">Aussendienst - Abteilung / Klasse - 11teamsports CH GmbH - Organisation - Hygeia
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I'll try to reproduce it as you said. I'll post the results. (It Will probably take until Monday to test it.)
This is almost positively form recovery, though I usually see it with "_target" => ["_csrf_token"]
. Since we don't have a change event to crib from, form recovery always target the first control in the form, which by default will be a hidden field.
Edit: To clarify, a hidden input will be the first form control by default when using Phoenix.HTML.form_for/4
and variants.
@mcrumm / @chrismccord
I tried the following without any effect:
Disconnect Network
- Open a Form
- Disconnect from WiFi and wait for a few minutes
- Reconnect
- => no error
kill application
- Open a Form
- Kill Application
- Restart Application
- => no error
kill K8S Pod
- Open a Form in a Test Environment
- Kill Kubernetes Pod that opened the connection
- Reconnects to other pod
- => no error
Can this issue be related to form recovery process? Read README and see example in this repo.
I have also provided a solution for form recovery process
Forms need an ID to support recovery. Can you add an ID to your form example and report back? Thanks!
@maennchen It seems that there was no way to reproduce reliably in the end? Or did the last two suggestions above help? Otherwise, we should probably close this issue.
@Rio517 I still do not have a way to reproduce the issue. That said, I can still see the same errors in our Sentry.