jsmpeg icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jsmpeg copied to clipboard

When I integrate your code with FastAPI library, this error occurs in client. Can you help me? Thank you <3

Open hovanvydut opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments


hovanvydut avatar Oct 26 '21 16:10 hovanvydut

I dont know why this variable quantMatrix in your lib is undefined

hovanvydut avatar Oct 26 '21 16:10 hovanvydut

The quantization matrix has a default value that can be overwritten by the MPEG file. I assume your file/stream is invalid.

Test case please!

phoboslab avatar Oct 26 '21 19:10 phoboslab

This is my code. I have do the same thing with your sample. But it's not working :((. Thank you so much <3

import os
from fastapi import APIRouter, WebSocket
from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse, HTMLResponse, Response
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from struct import Struct
import picamera
import asyncio
import io
from threading import Condition

from starlette import responses

router = APIRouter()

WIDTH = 640
HEIGHT = 480
VFLIP = False
HFLIP = False
JSMPEG_MAGIC = b"jsmp"
JSMPEG_HEADER = Struct(">4sHH")

html = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=640, initial-scale=1"/>
	<title>jsmpeg streaming</title>
	<style type="text/css">
		body {
			background: #333;
			text-align: center;
			margin-top: 10%;
		#videoCanvas {
			/* Always stretch the canvas to 640x480, regardless of its
			internal size. */
			width: 640px;
			height: 480px;
	<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/jsmpg.js"></script>
	<!-- The Canvas size specified here is the "initial" internal resolution. jsmpeg will
		change this internal resolution to whatever the source provides. The size the
		canvas is displayed on the website is dictated by the CSS style.
	<canvas id="videoCanvas" width="640" height="480">
			Please use a browser that supports the Canvas Element, like
			<a href="http://www.google.com/chrome">Chrome</a>,
			<a href="http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/">Firefox</a>,
			<a href="http://www.apple.com/safari/">Safari</a> or Internet Explorer 10
	<script type="text/javascript">
		// Show loading notice
		var canvas = document.getElementById('videoCanvas');
		var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
		ctx.fillStyle = '#444';
		ctx.fillText('Loading...', canvas.width/2-30, canvas.height/3);

		// Setup the WebSocket connection and start the player
		var client = new WebSocket('ws://' + window.location.hostname + ':4040/camera2');
		var player = new jsmpeg(client, {canvas:canvas});

class BroadcastOutput(object):
    def __init__(self, camera):
        print("Spawning background conversion process")
        self.converter = Popen(
                "%dx%d" % camera.resolution,
            stderr=io.open(os.devnull, "wb"),

    def write(self, b):

    def flush(self):
        print("Waiting for background conversion process to exit")

async def camera_view():
    return HTMLResponse(html)

async def stream_camera2(websocket: WebSocket):
    await websocket.accept()
    print("Initializing camera")
    with picamera.PiCamera() as camera:
        camera.resolution = (WIDTH, HEIGHT)
        camera.framerate = FRAMERATE
        camera.vflip = VFLIP  # flips image rightside up, as needed
        camera.hflip = HFLIP  # flips image left-right, as needed
        await asyncio.sleep(1)

        output = BroadcastOutput(camera)

        print("Starting recording")
        camera.start_recording(output, format="yuv")

            while True:
                buf = output.converter.stdout.read1(32768)
                if buf:
                    await websocket.send_bytes(
                elif output.converter.poll() is not None:


hovanvydut avatar Oct 27 '21 05:10 hovanvydut