jsmpeg-vnc icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jsmpeg-vnc copied to clipboard

SSL Support

Open robnewton opened this issue 7 years ago • 2 comments

I've added SSL support but having trouble getting it working. Does anyone have a better understanding of libwebsockets that could lend a hand in figuring out what is preventing the server from starting up? It's forked on my account at https://github.com/robnewton/jsmpeg-vnc

Thanks, rob

robnewton avatar Feb 01 '17 07:02 robnewton


I'm also looking for SSL support. Did you find a way to do it ?

Thanks, S

shurkin avatar Jan 08 '21 10:01 shurkin

I don’t think so

robnewton avatar Jan 08 '21 14:01 robnewton