yason copied to clipboard
trivial addition of NaN
NaNs are not supported in JSON by default (though in Perl parser apparently). Some JSON files contain them, though.
I found this to be a useful change in parse.lisp
;; export *allow-nan* and 'nan symbols in package.lisp
(defvar *allow-nan* t)
(defun parse-constant (input)
(let ((buffer (make-adjustable-string)))
(loop while (alpha-char-p (peek-char nil input))
do (vector-push-extend (read-char input) buffer))
(cond ((string= buffer "true")
(if *parse-json-booleans-as-symbols* 'true t))
((string= buffer "false")
(if *parse-json-booleans-as-symbols* 'false nil))
((string= buffer "null")
(if *parse-json-booleans-as-symbols* 'null nil))
((and *allow-nan* (string-equal buffer "nan")) ;; allow NaN, nan, etc
(error "invalid constant '~A'" buffer)))))
In a followup, I appended updated version that does NaN,nan,inf,infinity,+infinity,-infinity (case insensitive). In parse-number it switches to parse-symbol if it encounters a +/- followed by 'i' or 'I' (for infinity)
Also, the original yason didn't allow a number to have a leading plus sign like {x: +99} because parse% checked only for a leading (#- #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9). This is correct according to JSON standard, but the new version loosens this restriction to allow parsing of slightly non-compliant JSON.
Would you please create a pull-request here? Thanks a lot!
I think I sent a pull request from repository below, but I've never done this before, so have no idea if I did it right.
My modified version is: https://github.com/jetmonk/yason/tree/jetmonk-patch-1
I think I did this, but I've never done this before.
My modified version is: https://github.com/jetmonk/yason/tree/jetmonk-patch-1
Hmmm.... looking at the change I'm not really sure how you would achieve this, but it looks like you're reverting all my latest changes?
My only guess is that you did the changes against the old version and then told git to reset the git HEAD pointer to the (then newer) git HEAD without doing a merge or rebase?!
Sorry. 2nd pull request submitted. Hope this one is OK.