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Initial Rails helpers

Open joeldrapper opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments

[WIP] @enderahmetyurt and I paired on some initial helpers for Rails today, though I’m not entirely sure how we should best include them.

  1. I don't want Phlex to be dependent on Rails, all the Rails integration should be optional.
  2. I’m not sure if we should have a Railtie or Rails Engine, but we'll likely want to extend the application with some controller methods and custom helpers.

For now, we put both features in the same file.


The idea is that this method would be available in a rails controller so if you used a consistent naming convention for your page components, you could render the correct page automatically.

class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
  def index
    render_page articles: Article.all


The component method is designed to be used in ERB templates so you can render a Phlex component from your existing Rails views.

joeldrapper avatar Jul 19 '22 13:07 joeldrapper

@joeldrapper, maybe we could have two different gems:

  • phlex could contain the logic for creating components. This gem would be independent of any framework.
  • phlex-rails would contain the Rails-specific modules and the Engine/Railtie.

It could be just like factory_bot and factory_bot_rails. What do you think?

alexandreruban avatar Jul 19 '22 16:07 alexandreruban

@alexandreruban that's a really good option. It's what I did with literal_enums and literal_enums-rails. The alternative is to have a rails.rb file that can be optionally required. I think you could just do this in the Gemfile.

gem "phlex", require: "phlex/rails"

This wouldn't make sense if we end up needing a dummy Rails app for testing but I don't know if that's ever going to be necessary. 🤔

joeldrapper avatar Jul 19 '22 16:07 joeldrapper

I think it would be easier to extract a phlex-rails gem later than it would be to merge a separate gem back into the main one, so my instinct is to see how far we can get with just one gem while always keeping that door open. I don't feel strongly about this though.

joeldrapper avatar Jul 19 '22 16:07 joeldrapper