uv copied to clipboard
freeze at uv:search_protein_db
Hi :)
After installing and downloading the test data and databases the workflow seems to freeze at uv:search_protein_db (stops for hours, several times tried).
nextflow run main.nf --standalone --results results --uvdb db --genomes metadata.csv --annotate true
N E X T F L O W ~ version 22.10.4
Launching `main.nf` [lethal_bartik] DSL2 - revision: af858ed795
executor > local (8)
[51/3d6887] process > uv:minlen (2) [100%] 2 of 2 ✔
[2a/35bd49] process > uv:rename_contigs (2) [100%] 2 of 2 ✔
[26/070222] process > uv:reading_frames (2) [100%] 2 of 2 ✔
[5b/9faacf] process > uv:search_protein_db (2) [ 0%] 0 of 2
[- ] process > uv:segment -
[- ] process > uv:qc -
[- ] process > uv:filter_qc -
[- ] process > annotate:careful_frames -
[- ] process > annotate:search_hmms -
[- ] process > annotate:interpret_hmms -
[- ] process > annotate:collect_hmms -
[- ] process > annotate:search_protein_db_careful -
how much RAM do you have?
you can pass nextflow run ... --maxram 8 ...
to limit this, see
the protein search is the (brute force and) most computationally intensive step; on my laptop (16 GB RAM) it completes in about 20 mins for the two test genomes.
I let it run overnight and it finished, but I can't say exactly how long it took (maybe when I run it next time). Also running on 16GB RAM.
doesn't nextflow give you the time it took to run?
Unfortunately I can't see it but maybe it's because I'm still getting an error at annotate:collect_hmms
(even though it finishes the process annotate:search_tails
Error executing process > 'annotate:collect_hmms (1)'
Caused by:
Process `annotate:collect_hmms (1)` terminated with an error exit status (127)
Command executed:
cat *.bed > all
bedtools sort -i all > sorted
/uv/bin/deduplicate_and_rename.py -i sorted -o annotation.bed --names 43b63e6b-323d-473a-8d19-d2d9238d965c.contig_names.txt
Command exit status:
Command output:
Command error:
.command.sh: line 3: bedtools: command not found
bedtools is missing from env.yml
, my bad. thanks for spotting. can you add and rerun?
runs smoothly now with the test genomes and finishes in 5mins 🤌
haha, now I still need to fix that