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Repository for most of the code from my YouTube channel

Results 48 Youtube-Code-Repository issues
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Remove the two params from constructor layer1_size=256, layer2_size=256 since not used in any part of the code.

Faster implementation for calculating q_target for training the DDDQN - in your video you mention the slow speed at which it runs. With this small change, it should run significantly...

Hello, I'm trying to start your Lunar_lander code, '' in 'archive' folder, but it is not started. The following is the error. Thank you. File "C:\Users\ys-th\Desktop\Spring2022\", line 15, in env...

`magicSquares[resultingState]` should be changed to `self.magicSquares[resultingState]`

In the [line used to define the returns](, we use the GAE + values as the target for the critic to learn. Is this correct? My intuition says no --...

As mentioned in the video: we don't need it.

I get this error: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) in 26 score = 0 27 while not done: ---> 28 action = agent.choose_action(observation) 29 observation_, reward, done, info...

If I understand correctly, the code in [tensorflow2/]( implements the `One-step Actor-Critic (episodic)` algorithm given on page 332 of RLbook2020 by Sutton/barto (picture given below). ![image]( Here we can see...

Hi, @philtabor ! Thanks for the awesome code and video! Those really help me to study and understand reinforcement learning. I found that the actor and critic model are not...