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[request] Title Chaining throughout controllers
the Template library currently supports title chaining within the same function.
$this->template->title( 'title1', 'title2', 'title3' );
This works great, but what happens if you have a controller that extends another controller and you want to define a title at each level but not have to pass each title parameter every time. e.g';
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Auth extends AUTH_Controller {
This is where i began editing code.. I'm sure theres a cleaner way of doing it, if not.. let me know and ill submit a pull request for the change.
i modified the Template.php library for my own use, and it works..
New Function: site_title
This function is responsible for compiling the title from an array, just like title( 'title1', 'title2', 'title3' )
normally would. Except this will check if the class object $this->_titles
has more than one item, if it does then it will implode them all, otherwise it will just return back the first element(0).
public function set_title(){
$compiled_title = ( count( $this->_titles ) > 1 ) ? implode($this->_titles, $this->_title_separator) : $this->_titles[0];
return $compiled_title;
Modified function: title
I modified this function to actually push the passed $title
to the class object $this->_titles
. This way the code in your controllers, does not have to be changed.
public function title( $title ){
array_push($this->_titles, $title);
return $this;
Modified function: build
I then modified the build function to set the title to the set_title()
function, which returns either the imploded array of titles, or the single title.
// Output template variables to the template
$template['title'] = $this->set_title();
Like i said, i modified this for my own use. However i would be more than happy to submit a Pull Request if Phil decides to merge it into his library.
Full Code of Template.php
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter Template Class
* Build your CodeIgniter pages much easier with partials, breadcrumbs, layouts and themes
* @package CodeIgniter
* @subpackage Libraries
* @category Libraries
* @author Philip Sturgeon
* @license
* @link
class Template
private $_module = '';
private $_controller = '';
private $_method = '';
private $_theme = NULL;
private $_theme_path = NULL;
private $_layout = FALSE; // By default, dont wrap the view with anything
private $_layout_subdir = ''; // Layouts and partials will exist in views/layouts
// but can be set to views/foo/layouts with a subdirectory
private $_title = '';
private $_titles = array();
private $_metadata = array();
private $_partials = array();
private $_breadcrumbs = array();
private $_title_separator = ' | ';
private $_parser_enabled = TRUE;
private $_parser_body_enabled = TRUE;
private $_theme_locations = array();
private $_is_mobile = FALSE;
// Minutes that cache will be alive for
private $cache_lifetime = 0;
private $_ci;
private $_data = array();
* Constructor - Sets Preferences
* The constructor can be passed an array of config values
function __construct($config = array())
$this->_ci =& get_instance();
if ( ! empty($config))
log_message('debug', 'Template class Initialized');
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Initialize preferences
* @access public
* @param array
* @return void
function initialize($config = array())
foreach ($config as $key => $val)
if ($key == 'theme' AND $val != '')
$this->{'_'.$key} = $val;
// No locations set in config?
if ($this->_theme_locations === array())
// Let's use this obvious default
$this->_theme_locations = array(APPPATH . 'themes/');
// Theme was set
if ($this->_theme)
// If the parse is going to be used, best make sure it's loaded
if ($this->_parser_enabled === TRUE)
class_exists('CI_Parser') OR $this->_ci->load->library('parser');
// Modular Separation / Modular Extensions has been detected
if (method_exists( $this->_ci->router, 'fetch_module' ))
$this->_module = $this->_ci->router->fetch_module();
// What controllers or methods are in use
$this->_controller = $this->_ci->router->fetch_class();
$this->_method = $this->_ci->router->fetch_method();
// Load user agent library if not loaded
class_exists('CI_User_agent') OR $this->_ci->load->library('user_agent');
// We'll want to know this later
$this->_is_mobile = $this->_ci->agent->is_mobile();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Magic Get function to get data
* @access public
* @param string
* @return mixed
public function __get($name)
return isset($this->_data[$name]) ? $this->_data[$name] : NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Magic Set function to set data
* @access public
* @param string
* @return mixed
public function __set($name, $value)
$this->_data[$name] = $value;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set data using a chainable metod. Provide two strings or an array of data.
* @access public
* @param string
* @return mixed
public function set($name, $value = NULL)
// Lots of things! Set them all
if (is_array($name) OR is_object($name))
foreach ($name as $item => $value)
$this->_data[$item] = $value;
// Just one thing, set that
$this->_data[$name] = $value;
return $this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Build the entire HTML output combining partials, layouts and views.
* @access public
* @param string
* @return void
public function build($view, $data = array(), $return = FALSE)
// Set whatever values are given. These will be available to all view files
is_array($data) OR $data = (array) $data;
// Merge in what we already have with the specific data
$this->_data = array_merge($this->_data, $data);
// We don't need you any more buddy
if (empty($this->_title))
$this->_title = $this->_guess_title();
// Output template variables to the template
$template['title'] = $this->set_title();
$template['breadcrumbs'] = $this->_breadcrumbs;
$template['metadata'] = implode("\n\t\t", $this->_metadata);
$template['partials'] = array();
// Assign by reference, as all loaded views will need access to partials
$this->_data['template'] =& $template;
foreach ($this->_partials as $name => $partial)
// We can only work with data arrays
is_array($partial['data']) OR $partial['data'] = (array) $partial['data'];
// If it uses a view, load it
if (isset($partial['view']))
$template['partials'][$name] = $this->_find_view($partial['view'], $partial['data']);
// Otherwise the partial must be a string
if ($this->_parser_enabled === TRUE)
$partial['string'] = $this->_ci->parser->parse_string($partial['string'], $this->_data + $partial['data'], TRUE, TRUE);
$template['partials'][$name] = $partial['string'];
// Disable sodding IE7's constant cacheing!!
$this->_ci->output->set_header('Expires: Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:01 GMT');
$this->_ci->output->set_header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
$this->_ci->output->set_header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0');
$this->_ci->output->set_header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT' );
$this->_ci->output->set_header('Pragma: no-cache');
// Let CI do the caching instead of the browser
// Test to see if this file
$this->_body = $this->_find_view($view, array(), $this->_parser_body_enabled);
// Want this file wrapped with a layout file?
if ($this->_layout)
// Added to $this->_data['template'] by refference
$template['body'] = $this->_body;
// Find the main body and 3rd param means parse if its a theme view (only if parser is enabled)
$this->_body = self::_load_view('_layout/'.$this->_layout, $this->_data, TRUE, self::_find_view_folder());
// Want it returned or output to browser?
if ( ! $return)
return $this->_body;
* Set the title of the page
* used in build() to compile the title
* into a string from array, or display a
* single title.
* @access public
* @param string
* @return void
public function set_title(){
$compiled_title = ( count( $this->_titles ) > 1 ) ? implode($this->_titles, $this->_title_separator) : $this->_titles[0];
return $compiled_title;
public function title( $title ){
array_push($this->_titles, $title);
return $this;
* Put extra javascipt, css, meta tags, etc before all other head data
* @access public
* @param string $line The line being added to head
* @return void
public function prepend_metadata($line)
array_unshift($this->_metadata, $line);
return $this;
* Put extra javascipt, css, meta tags, etc after other head data
* @access public
* @param string $line The line being added to head
* @return void
public function append_metadata($line)
$this->_metadata[] = $line;
return $this;
* Set metadata for output later
* @access public
* @param string $name keywords, description, etc
* @param string $content The content of meta data
* @param string $type Meta-data comes in a few types, links for example
* @return void
public function set_metadata($name, $content, $type = 'meta')
$name = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($name));
$content = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($content));
// Keywords with no comments? ARG! comment them
if ($name == 'keywords' AND ! strpos($content, ','))
$content = preg_replace('/[\s]+/', ', ', trim($content));
case 'meta':
$this->_metadata[$name] = '<meta name="'.$name.'" content="'.$content.'" />';
case 'link':
$this->_metadata[$content] = '<link rel="'.$name.'" href="'.$content.'" />';
return $this;
* Which theme are we using here?
* @access public
* @param string $theme Set a theme for the template library to use
* @return void
public function set_theme($theme = NULL)
$this->_theme = $theme;
foreach ($this->_theme_locations as $location)
if ($this->_theme AND file_exists($location.$this->_theme))
$this->_theme_path = rtrim($location.$this->_theme.'/');
return $this;
* Get the current theme path
* @access public
* @return string The current theme path
public function get_theme_path()
return $this->_theme_path;
* Which theme layout should we using here?
* @access public
* @param string $view
* @return void
public function set_layout($view, $_layout_subdir = '')
$this->_layout = $view;
$_layout_subdir AND $this->_layout_subdir = $_layout_subdir;
return $this;
* Set a view partial
* @access public
* @param string
* @param string
* @param boolean
* @return void
public function set_partial($name, $view, $data = array())
$this->_partials[$name] = array('view' => $view, 'data' => $data);
return $this;
* Set a view partial
* @access public
* @param string
* @param string
* @param boolean
* @return void
public function inject_partial($name, $string, $data = array())
$this->_partials[$name] = array('string' => $string, 'data' => $data);
return $this;
* Helps build custom breadcrumb trails
* @access public
* @param string $name What will appear as the link text
* @param string $url_ref The URL segment
* @return void
public function set_breadcrumb($name, $uri = '')
$this->_breadcrumbs[] = array('name' => $name, 'uri' => $uri );
return $this;
* Set a the cache lifetime
* @access public
* @param string
* @param string
* @param boolean
* @return void
public function set_cache($minutes = 0)
$this->cache_lifetime = $minutes;
return $this;
* enable_parser
* Should be parser be used or the view files just loaded normally?
* @access public
* @param string $view
* @return void
public function enable_parser($bool)
$this->_parser_enabled = $bool;
return $this;
* enable_parser_body
* Should be parser be used or the body view files just loaded normally?
* @access public
* @param string $view
* @return void
public function enable_parser_body($bool)
$this->_parser_body_enabled = $bool;
return $this;
* theme_locations
* List the locations where themes may be stored
* @access public
* @param string $view
* @return array
public function theme_locations()
return $this->_theme_locations;
* add_theme_location
* Set another location for themes to be looked in
* @access public
* @param string $view
* @return array
public function add_theme_location($location)
$this->_theme_locations[] = $location;
* theme_exists
* Check if a theme exists
* @access public
* @param string $view
* @return array
public function theme_exists($theme = NULL)
$theme OR $theme = $this->_theme;
foreach ($this->_theme_locations as $location)
if (is_dir($location.$theme))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* get_layouts
* Get all current layouts (if using a theme you'll get a list of theme layouts)
* @access public
* @param string $view
* @return array
public function get_layouts()
$layouts = array();
foreach(glob(self::_find_view_folder().'layouts/*.*') as $layout)
$layouts[] = pathinfo($layout, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
return $layouts;
* get_layouts
* Get all current layouts (if using a theme you'll get a list of theme layouts)
* @access public
* @param string $view
* @return array
public function get_theme_layouts($theme = NULL)
$theme OR $theme = $this->_theme;
$layouts = array();
foreach ($this->_theme_locations as $location)
// Get special web layouts
if( is_dir($location.$theme.'/views/web/layouts/') )
foreach(glob($location.$theme . '/views/web/layouts/*.*') as $layout)
$layouts[] = pathinfo($layout, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
// So there are no web layouts, assume all layouts are web layouts
foreach(glob($location.$theme . '/views/layouts/*.*') as $layout)
$layouts[] = pathinfo($layout, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
return $layouts;
* layout_exists
* Check if a theme layout exists
* @access public
* @param string $view
* @return array
public function layout_exists($layout)
// If there is a theme, check it exists in there
if ( ! empty($this->_theme) AND in_array($layout, self::get_theme_layouts()))
return TRUE;
// Otherwise look in the normal places
return file_exists(self::_find_view_folder().'layouts/' . $layout . self::_ext($layout));
// find layout files, they could be mobile or web
private function _find_view_folder()
if ($this->_ci->load->get_var('template_views'))
return $this->_ci->load->get_var('template_views');
// Base view folder
$view_folder = APPPATH.'views/';
// Using a theme? Put the theme path in before the view folder
if ( ! empty($this->_theme))
$view_folder = $this->_theme_path.'views/';
// Would they like the mobile version?
if ($this->_is_mobile === TRUE AND is_dir($view_folder.'mobile/'))
// Use mobile as the base location for views
$view_folder .= 'mobile/';
// Use the web version
else if (is_dir($view_folder.'web/'))
$view_folder .= 'web/';
// Things like views/admin/web/view admin = subdir
if ($this->_layout_subdir)
$view_folder .= $this->_layout_subdir.'/';
// If using themes store this for later, available to all views
$this->_ci->load->vars('template_views', $view_folder);
return $view_folder;
// A module view file can be overriden in a theme
private function _find_view($view, array $data, $parse_view = TRUE)
// Only bother looking in themes if there is a theme
if ( ! empty($this->_theme))
foreach ($this->_theme_locations as $location)
$theme_views = array(
$this->_theme . '/views/modules/' . $this->_module . '/' . $view,
$this->_theme . '/views/' . $view
foreach ($theme_views as $theme_view)
if (file_exists($location . $theme_view . self::_ext($theme_view)))
return self::_load_view($theme_view, $this->_data + $data, $parse_view, $location);
// Not found it yet? Just load, its either in the module or root view
return self::_load_view($view, $this->_data + $data, $parse_view);
private function _load_view($view, array $data, $parse_view = TRUE, $override_view_path = NULL)
// Sevear hackery to load views from custom places AND maintain compatibility with Modular Extensions
if ($override_view_path !== NULL)
if ($this->_parser_enabled === TRUE AND $parse_view === TRUE)
// Load content and pass through the parser
$content = $this->_ci->parser->parse_string($this->_ci->load->file(
), $data);
// Load it directly, bypassing $this->load->view() as ME resets _ci_view
$content = $this->_ci->load->file(
// Can just run as usual
// Grab the content of the view (parsed or loaded)
$content = ($this->_parser_enabled === TRUE AND $parse_view === TRUE)
// Parse that bad boy
? $this->_ci->parser->parse($view, $data, TRUE)
// None of that fancy stuff for me!
: $this->_ci->load->view($view, $data, TRUE);
return $content;
private function _guess_title()
// Obviously no title, lets get making one
$title_parts = array();
// If the method is something other than index, use that
if ($this->_method != 'index')
$title_parts[] = $this->_method;
// Make sure controller name is not the same as the method name
if ( ! in_array($this->_controller, $title_parts))
$title_parts[] = $this->_controller;
// Is there a module? Make sure it is not named the same as the method or controller
if ( ! empty($this->_module) AND ! in_array($this->_module, $title_parts))
$title_parts[] = $this->_module;
// Glue the title pieces together using the title separator setting
$title = humanize(implode($this->_title_separator, $title_parts));
return $title;
private function _ext($file)
return pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) ? '' : '.php';
// END Template class
Alas, I just wrote the same thing, not having seen this. I handled mine a little differently though.
how did you go about it?
You can see it on Pull request #39
Just added a few config files to enable/disable this, as well as the ability to reverse the array that the title is stored in before rendering.