capacitor-firebase-analytics copied to clipboard
Build failure after initial install: No such property: config for class:
I'm getting a build failure after the initial setup of the plugin
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
Where: Build file '/builds/beckyhilton/ionic-vairkko/node_modules/capacitor-firebase-analytics/android/capacitor-firebase-analytics/build.gradle' line: 54
What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating project ':capacitor-firebase-analytics'.
No such property: config for class:
this is the line it doesn't like: = true
I commented out the line: = true
And it seemed to work. Not 100% sure what it does yet - still looking around. However found the following reason as to why it might be breaking - taken from
Starting with you must now instead add the following to the bottom of your app/build.gradle, after the apply.
googleServices { disableVersionCheck = true } This also works with previous version of
I tried some of those changes and then I think I ran into some other issues with duplicate code or something. I'm not sure I tried like 4 different ways to get some sort of firebase analytics working and I still haven't been successful yet
After commenting out the 'disableVersionCheck', and building the app, I got the following errors:
Looks similar to what you got? If so, here's what I had to do to get it working. In the capacitor-firebase-analytics build.gradle file, I upped the following dependencies,
That sorted the duplicate class issue, but introduced one more issue. I'm using Capacitor 2.0.0+, which uses Android X, however this plugin doesn't use it yet. So I did the following:
npm install jetifier
npx jetifier
ionic cap sync
Built the app again, and it worked. See here for info on AndroidX Hope this helps.
Sorrry, but where is the flag " = true" to commenting out?
@Paulovsr - sorry, only seeing this now - after you do your ionic cap sync, it should be in your capacitor-firebase-analytics build.gradle file (...\app\node_modules\capacitor-firebase-analytics\android\capacitor-firebase-analytics).
That being said, I watched some of the Ioniconf during the week, and it pointed me to the new list of 'community-supported' plugins. Since this plugin is not really being updated anymore, perhaps its a good idea to try this one out:
I'll see if I can test it out sometime next week, and post back here if I experienced a smoother experience :)