hardware-fuer-alle copied to clipboard
For more information about this project read the blogpost from @sofakissen. (it's written in german)
- Django 1.4
- django-allauth
- geopy
- django-gmapi
- sorl-thumbnail
- django-dajaxice
- django-dajax
- django-gravatar2
We assume in the following you have Python and setuptools installed. If python2 isn't your default Python version, you have to replace the easy_install command with the approriate command (i.e. easy-install-2.7
1. Clone the Repo
git clone https://github.com/vIiRuS/hardware-fuer-alle.git
2. Install the dependencies
pip install -r dependencies.txt
3. Create hfa/settings.py
Copy and rename the hfa/settings.example.py
and configure it to your local needs.
4. Create the Database
./manage.py syncdb
during this step the script will also create an admin user
5. (optional) Populate the project with test data
./manage.py populateTestUsers
./manage.py populateTestHardware
6. Run the test server
./manage.py runserver
7. Run the unittests
./manage.py test main hardware users