Phillip Hsu

Results 22 comments of Phillip Hsu

Device/OS probably isn't a factor. I have a hunch that the issues with setting times between 00:00 - 02:00 might "disappear" after midnight tonight (start of the next day).

I can confirm the issues with times 00:00 - 02:00 has "disappeared" on its own as of March 13. Please let me know if you are still experiencing problems. I...

I do not understand what you mean by minimum time picker. Generally, if a similar feature is not available in the framework, it won't be provided in the library.

The number pad automatically uses 12 or 24 hour mode depending on your system's preference for 24-hour time. You can find this setting in Settings > Date & time >...

This feature is not currently supported, which is why the `newInstance()` you're trying to modify was originally private access. If you want to do this yourself, you should look into...

Date picker is in development.

I think the need for such a button is application specific, and not general enough to be offered in the library. i.e. is an extra button in the time picker...

@Lx Late response, but I thought I'd try addressing this anyway. Unfortunately, I'm hesitant to add new features in this library. I made some novice design decisions on top of...

I've acknowledged the issue, but I don't have the time to do it right now.