Phillip Krüger
Phillip Krüger
Will you log an issue in mp ?
Thanks @okothhc ! @velias do you want to have a look ?
Hi @velias - not sure if I follow the issue properly here. Can you talk me thought it using the model diagram ( ?
Ok cool thanks. Let me update the diagram to include Wrapper. As far as I know Wrapper has a Wrapper, so we should be able to model this.
Ok, it's been I while since I looked at this, but I though Collections, Optional, Async stuff (ComplerableFuture etc) and other generics (?? not sure) are all "wrappers". Operations and...
Cool !! Thanks !
Also see #622
I know what the issue is, I just don't know how to fix it ... it's a chicken egg thing
Thanks @t1. I'll have a look a.s.a.p
Hi @t1 - Thanks for this. I'll have a look as soon as I have a gap