Philipp Kunz

Results 29 comments of Philipp Kunz

node.js. -> I have a grafana dashboard showing me memory usage and cpu usage of our services. After integrating this package I noticed a steady increase in both CPU and...

I reimplemented the http client quickly, and the service is not showing any memory leaks with that:

A resolution is much needed here. This issue is currently blocking us from migrating our Open Source repos to esm.

Here is note about the reasoning: The TypeScript approach is actually very sensible and also in line with future Types in JavaScript:

@itsfarseen No absolutely not. An import is an external source. Its part of module resolution to figure out wether it is there in JavaScript or TypeScript format. As to full...

@itsfarseen It is unnecessary transpilation. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. Why transpile something that does not need transpilation? In the future, ideally, you only have to write a .ts...

@devongovett @mischnic Can you tip me off where to look exactly for the resolution stuff? Maybe I can submit a PR then. Looks like is responsible for the Node...

Ah I see. would basically need to return the .ts file, when no .js is present. Thank you for the hint.

I moved on to esbuild. Esbuild just works with esm and is really fast.

I'm against passing functions. It feels very messy to me. I think the ServiceWorker-like approach by loading workers as separate scripts that can be individually bundled is the right way...