When static content is defined with the setContent method, the [add content] button does not appear, preventing you from adding new blocks to the content Version v2.0.1 Without setContent defined...
Hi, creating a dynamic content (eg: php date), I found that the getContent method does not return the parsed content but the empty html tag (eg :` [HERE THE DATE...
Hi, I need to create an administrator user who can only access some admin menu items, but there is no section for creating different admin roles. Has someone already done...
Hi, I have to use phpword 0.18.3 and when creating the tables I encounter the problem shown in the image. ` $cell = $row->addCell(\PhpOffice\PhpWord\Shared\Converter::cmToTwip(9), ['valign' => \PhpOffice\PhpWord\SimpleType\Jc::CENTER]);` The contents of...
Hi, I ran script that writes a value to a machine address. The connection is made via IP and port 4840. The script stopped before writing and did not close....
Hi, in the file vendor\open-admin-org\open-admin\src\Form\Field\Select.php you need to change the declaration of the elm variable (lines 120 and 231) from `let elm` to `var elm`. In this way it is...