terraform-aws-github-runner copied to clipboard
Windows: Invalid configuration provided for url
On version 5.6.2, when using Windows runners with the default user data and start runner script the runner is not running any jobs, when investigating I noticed the UserData.log
Configure GH Runner as user ec2-user
.\config.cmd : Invalid configuration provided for url. Terminating unattended configuration.
At line:1 char:1
+ .\config.cmd --unattended --name windows-x64_i-0c96a1237c96979a5 --wo ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Invalid configu... configuration.:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
The runner shows up on GitHub, but it says it's offline.
Apparently Windows doesn't support JIT config?
Setting enable_jit_config: false
solved the issue for me.
Windows should support JIT as well. But I am not sure if the open source start script support this. @GuptaNavdeep1983 Can you make a comment?
I believer either the start script is not sending the correct arguments to config.cmd
or the issue is on config.cmd
itself and this could be moved to https://github.com/actions/runner
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@guicaulada, JIT is supported on Windows as well. Can you please create a PR to update the default start script to support this?
@GuptaNavdeep1983 sorry, but I'm not sure what needs to be changed on the default start script for JIT to work correctly, it seems the arguments are passed correctly the same way it would on Linux but results in: .\config.cmd : Invalid configuration provided for url. Terminating unattended configuration.
facing the same issue here. The url seems to be empty in our case:
[2024-03-21 15:06:59Z INFO CommandSettings] Arg 'url': ''
Here's the help I found on the config.cmd:
.\config.cmd --help
.\config.cmd Configures the runner
.\config.cmd remove Unconfigures the runner
.\run.cmd Runs the runner interactively. Does not require any options.
--help Prints the help for each command
--version Prints the runner version
--commit Prints the runner commit
--check Check the runner's network connectivity with GitHub server
Config Options:
--unattended Disable interactive prompts for missing arguments. Defaults will be used for missing options
--url string Repository to add the runner to. Required if unattended
--token string Registration token. Required if unattended
--name string Name of the runner to configure (default )
--runnergroup string Name of the runner group to add this runner to (defaults to the default runner group)
--labels string Custom labels that will be added to the runner. This option is mandatory if --no-default-labels is used.
--no-default-labels Disables adding the default labels: 'self-hosted,Windows,X64'
--local Removes the runner config files from your local machine. Used as an option to the remove command
--work string Relative runner work directory (default _work)
--replace Replace any existing runner with the same name (default false)
--pat GitHub personal access token with repo scope. Used for checking network connectivity when executing `.\run.cmd --check`
--disableupdate Disable self-hosted runner automatic update to the latest released version`
--ephemeral Configure the runner to only take one job and then let the service un-configure the runner after the job finishes (default false)
--runasservice Run the runner as a service
--windowslogonaccount string Account to run the service as. Requires runasservice
--windowslogonpassword string Password for the service account. Requires runasservice
Check GitHub server network connectivity:
.\run.cmd --check --url <url> --pat <pat>
Configure a runner non-interactively:
.\config.cmd --unattended --url <url> --token <token>
Configure a runner non-interactively, replacing any existing runner with the same name:
.\config.cmd --unattended --url <url> --token <token> --replace [--name <name>]
Configure a runner non-interactively with three extra labels:
.\config.cmd --unattended --url <url> --token <token> --labels L1,L2,L3
Configure a runner to run as a service:
.\config.cmd --url <url> --token <token> --runasservice
It would seem that here https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner/blob/b2dc794f08c932470dae846dad0e0a5f33a68cc4/modules/runners/templates/start-runner.ps1#L110 there is no --url arg on the command that might be the cause of this error. I believe we need another ssm parameter containing the github URL for our repo/org, read that in, and point the .\config.cmd at it.
@GuptaNavdeep1983 or @npalm any thoughts on this issue? I forked this, made the changes and our forked version is working. We'd love to see this make it back upstream.
Can you make a PR based on your fork?
@npalm I've created a PR, my fork is a little behind main, do you prefer I commit merge, or rebase?
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