beer-dataset copied to clipboard
The biggest beer database is in this repo!
Largest Beer Database :beers:
Scraped from in late 2019.
Perfect for some data science / ML analysis.
To re-download the whole database, you will need a pro account. Support them if you are into beers!
It contains 30,280 records in JSON format. I also provide a script
to download the images of the labels.
An example of a beer data point:
"id": "1Ggl3w",
"name": "Acres O' Green Irish Red",
"nameDisplay": "Acres O' Green Irish Red",
"description": "Leprechauns and humans alike love to dance a jig while celebrating with our Irish Red. The complexity of malts converges into a smooth mouthfeel, lightly punctuated with a dash of subtle hoppiness.",
"abv": "6",
"ibu": "32",
"glasswareId": 5,
"srmId": 41,
"availableId": 1,
"styleId": 22,
"isOrganic": "N",
"isRetired": "N",
"labels": {
"icon": "",
"medium": "",
"large": "",
"contentAwareIcon": "",
"contentAwareMedium": "",
"contentAwareLarge": ""
"status": "verified",
"statusDisplay": "Verified",
"servingTemperature": "cool",
"servingTemperatureDisplay": "Cool - (8-12C/45-54F)",
"createDate": "2013-08-13 18:54:26",
"updateDate": "2015-12-17 04:41:48",
"glass": {
"id": 5,
"name": "Pint",
"createDate": "2012-01-03 02:41:33"
"srm": {
"id": 41,
"name": "Over 40",
"hex": "000000"
"available": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Year Round",
"description": "Available year round as a staple beer."
"style": {
"id": 22,
"categoryId": 2,
"category": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Irish Origin Ales",
"createDate": "2012-03-21 20:06:45"
"name": "Irish-Style Red Ale",
"shortName": "Irish Red",
"description": "Irish-style red ales range from light red-amber-copper to light brown in color. These ales have a medium hop bitterness and flavor. They often don't have hop aroma. Irish-style red ales have low to medium candy-like caramel malt sweetness and may have a balanced subtle degree of roast barley or roast malt character and complexity. Irish-style Red Ales have a medium body. The style may have low levels of fruity-ester flavor and aroma. Diacetyl should be absent or at very low levels. Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures. Slight yeast haze is acceptable for bottle-conditioned products.",
"ibuMin": "20",
"ibuMax": "28",
"abvMin": "4",
"abvMax": "4.5",
"srmMin": "11",
"srmMax": "18",
"ogMin": "1.04",
"fgMin": "1.01",
"fgMax": "1.014",
"createDate": "2012-03-21 20:06:45",
"updateDate": "2015-04-07 15:23:38"