Philippe Jadin
Philippe Jadin
Allow users to duplicate existing events like every week, every month, for a specific amount
Allow super-admin to define allowed tags for all groups - add setting to super admin page - change allowed tag service or trait or wathever
Use case : Meeting host is in UK. Attendee 1 is in Brazil. Attendee 2 is in Japan. The meeting host schedules a meeting for 4pm. The attendees see that...
- configurable - on group creation - on user subscription - localized
An arrow that appears scrolling on a full screen height, that stays in the bottom right, that basically goes to top. or some navigation system like discourse and flarum or...
using this :
- extract links and add to group files tab (to be renamed to documents) - extract pasted images (and add to group documents) - same to allow the upload of...
cfr. for background - allow user to search groups near his/her location - suggest events, groups and other users Proximity searching can be implement with relatively simple sql in...