Tweetable copied to clipboard
Doesn't seem to work any longer.
It looks as though this no longer works. I believe the Get My Tweets api has changed.
Yes, it is not working for me either, and i see following warning in he console:
"Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at This can be fixed by moving the resource to the same domain or enabling CORS."
Kindly help me how to fix ?
Seems the GetMyTweets api has blocked Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, ill take a look if there is any work around.
Unfortunately, Tweetable will not work because the GetMyTweets API has shut down. More information:
If someone wants get work tweetable, i give you the index.php to replace remote API
CONSUMER y access Tokens in:
Abraham twitter Oauth in...
get( 'statuses/home_timeline', array( 'screen_name' => $id, 'count' => $limit ) ); $tweets=array(); $i=0; if(!empty($twitterData)){ foreach($twitterData as $tweet){ if (!empty($tweet->id)) { $tweets[$i]['tweet_date']=date("YM d H:i:sTZY",strtotime($tweet->created_at)); $tweets[$i]['response']=$tweet->text; $i++; } } } $result['tweets']=$tweets; echo json_encode($result); ?>
Thanks for this @voyageravv If you would like to raise pull request that would be great. Alternatively I will review this and integrate it myself.
Yes, if you integrate it that would be great... I didn't pull request, because I don know if it's possible to include third party code (Abraham library). If you could do it... It's perfect.