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How to use node.js libraries in React Native

Results 13 ReactNativify issues
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## Update See this library for convenience: And this gist for more details: ## Original post The React Native Packager has a built-in option, `extraNodeModules`, which seems to...

I see in your example that you use android or ios with gradle. I'm using expo for now but of course I'll migrate to gradle. For now, I copied your...

Funding is available to use ReactNativify to develop a Redis client for ReactNative, by wrapping or building an existing node.js cliient for Redis.

Using the latest react-native version, the custom transformer is not working: throwing an error `transformer.transform is not a function`. Everything works when reverting back to `0.42.0`

I followed the steps and followed [this issue that was immensely helpful at solving another problem](, however now I'm stuck at ironically a similar issue as that previous issue post....

Hi, I set to run Crypto on React-Native 0.45.1. It is able to run, but have a trouble. That is when debug app, it is always freeze the chrome debug...

I'd like to import [`openbci-cyton`]( module into my react native project. When I do so, it leads to ``` Maximum call stack size exceeded ``` I'm using ignite template. I...

Hi, thanks for ReactNativify! In [global.js#L13]( the comment mentions: > ```javascript > // Don't do this in production. You're going to want to patch in > // or similar....