ticker-phoenix copied to clipboard
Elixir Phoenix Stock Quotes API (IEX Trading)
ticker-phoenix is an example Elixir Phoenix app which provides an API for pulling stock quotes from the (defunct but still available) Google Finance API by using the ticker-elixir Elixir OTP app. Clients can subsribe to Phoenix Channels with stock ticker symbols and be periodically notified of updates.
To see the ticker-phoenix app in action, head over to
- ticker-elixir Elixir OTP app
- [ticker-react] (https://github.com/philcallister/ticker-react) React app
Example screenshot of the three applications being used together
The sample was developed using the following
- Elixir 1.3.4
- OS X El Capitan (10.11)
Note: Pull the elixir_1.4 branch to use Elixir 1.4.
Clone Repo
git clone https://github.com/philcallister/ticker-phoenix.git
mix deps.get
mix deps.compile
Run It
Start the server
mix phoenix.server
OR within iex
iex -S mix phoenix.server
Free Software, Hell Yeah!